
Fueling Your Body For Maximum Fat Burn

With so many myths surrounding how to fuel correctly before your workout, this email is going to put you on the right track... For Optimal Results...

Fat Burn

The Most Effective Way to Be In Fat Burn Mode

Sleeping ultimately leads your body into a fasting state overnight. This is normal. When you wake up in the morning after an 8-12 hour fast, your bodies stores of Glycogen are somewhat depleted. This means that your body is producing low levels of Insulin - thus making your body use fat as its primary source of fuel.

This is great because as you wake up, this makes you a Fat Burning Machine - until you eat something, in particular Carbohydrates.

This does not mean for a minute that if you workout at night, we cannot achieve the same outcome... This is just a slightly different process... However it is important you understand that doing CARDIOVASCULAR Exercise in the morning is preferable.

Back to the facts...

So - if you eat prior to a cardiovascular workout, your body will want to use this undigested food to fuel the workout.

Now, I am not recommending for a minute to NEVER eat before ANY workout, Different types of workouts and times of training require different fuelling...

However training the body to be able to handle NO FOOD before a CARDIO WORKOUT ultimately leads to better results as your body is able to utilise its fat stores most effectively... (An Evening workout requires you to eat 2-3 hours prior to ensure digestion)

"But I already Don't Eat before my workout..?"

Excellent, if you are doing Cardiovascular Low to mid heart rate training... (Lower levels of intensity) then you should MOST DEFINITELY continue to do this. Your body is in the right state and will use fats effectively...

Strength Training

However on the other hand... If you are doing Strength Training then your workout intensity will range from low levels to quite high thus going BEYOND where your body can utilise fats most effectively and YOUR BODY REQUIRES other sources of fuel - namely carbohydrates...

However... If you are strength training in the morning, and you currently do not eat and have accustomed your body to doing this, please continue... (unless you feel light headed through any stage of the workout) as you have managed to train your body to utilise fats effectively through the workout.

If you currently eat breakfast before you train, then to optimise results please limit this to half a banana, ½ a mango, apricot or a carbohydrate protein shake 30 minutes prior to your workout so your body is able to call on those fuels when in need...

This will ensure your body has immediate fuel sources to ensure you do not feel light headed when you hit higher levels of intensity during the session.

Be on the lookout for the up and coming email... Fueling AFTER your workout... What works and what doesn't...

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