
Beginner Workouts - Eating to Fuel Your Workouts

When you are getting started working out everything tends to be really confusing. In this article I want to teach you a bit about eating to get the fuel for your workouts as well as your recovery.


The most important thing that you need to worry about now with your eating is fueling your workout. Your muscles are fueled by something called glycogen and this glycogen is basically sugar in your muscles that gives the muscle fibers energy to contract. Everything that you do to workout is based around this glycogen and after your workout everything is based around getting the glycogen back and strengthening those muscle fibers.

So to get your muscles nice and saturated with glycogen you need to take in lots of carbs. Mostly your are going to want to take in vegetables, fruit, rice, potatoes and other starchy kinds of foods but remember any white carbs like rice and potatoes tend to be low in vitamins and minerals so you will want to minimize them.

For recovery of the muscles themselves you need to take in protein, especially lean proteins like chicken and beef, but also beans and soy can be good for protein. Your body can only really metabolize about 30 grams of protein per meal which is about 4 ounces of meat. You need to eat 4 or 5 meals of protein a day and so I am telling you to eat more often.

Your recovery starts right after your workout and this time after your workout is especially critical to your success. You should eat a full meal 30-60 minutes after your workout to get the energy back into the muscle fibers and spark the recovery process as well.

Most people eat three big meals a day and this is one of the problems that people can have when working out. When you eat smaller meals but 4 or 5 times a day you will feel fuller for longer, never hungry, and you will have more energy all the time. This is a real change for most people but it is well worth the difference to get the most of your workouts.

Sugar is also important in your workout diet. Make sure that you minimize the sugar as you will mess up your blood sugar level and with this you will have trouble keeping your energy stable for your workouts. Also the spike in blood sugar from eating sugary foods will force your body to start storing it as fat.

One last thing is water. Water will help you to metabolize all that food and will keep your metabolism up and energy as well. Try to drink about 8 glasses of water every day.

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