
About US

Founded in 2005, Fitness tips is an independent source of consumer news and information published by Consumer Media LLC, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Consumer Reports. Our mission is to help consumers understand, engage with, and discuss the systems and forces that influence the marketplace, so that we, as consumers, can all make better, more informed decisions. Our monthly traffic ranges from 2-4M unique visitors per month, but we accept no outside advertising. The content you see on this site is brought to you through the generous support of your fellow readers. To join them in support of the site, please donate. Your gift is 100% tax deductible. In addition to this website, we also offer the full text of our articles as an RSS feed, as well as in an ad-free bi-weekly newsletter. MASTHEAD: Executive Editor Meg Marco Deputy Executive Editor Chris Morran Managing Editor Mary Beth Quirk Community Editor & Tipline Empress Laura Northrup Content Editor, D.C. Kate Cox Content Editor, Special Projects Ashlee Kieler TIP US: To send a tip to our editorial staff, write to Please understand that you are contacting journalists and all emails will be considered submissions for publication unless you explicitly request otherwise. Consumerist is physically located at: 101 Truman Avenue Yonkers, NY 10703-1057 ABOUT CONSUMER MEDIA LLC: Consumerist’s parent company, Consumer Media LLC, is a subsidiary of Consumer Reports, the nation’s leading not-for-profit consumer advocacy organization. Since its founding in 1936, Consumer Reports has fought for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves. To maintain independence and impartiality, CR accepts neither outside advertising nor free samples. It employs a staff of “mystery shoppers” who buy products in retail stores around the country, just as any other buyer would, and then ship them to the Consumer Reports labs, where technical experts test some 3,000 products yearly. For information about using our content in a non-commercial context such as your personal blog, please refer to Section II of our User Agreement. To request permission to reuse or reprint our content in any commercial form, or if you are unsure whether your intended use is commercial, please contact us first for permission by sending an email to permissions (at) identifying (1) the content you wish to re-publish, (2) your contact information, and (3) your intended use of the content.