
Build Muscle Mass Fast - Learn How a Simple Logbook Can Help to Build Muscle Mass Fast

This is fairly a simple habit that I constantly preach to my trainees be it online or offline. It is a habit that can propel your muscle growth and certainly help you to build muscle mass fast.

Build Muscle Mass Fast

This habitual action requires you to keep a detailed record of every workout that you perform in a simple logbook. Sounds easy but not many people apply that to their training. Yet, they keep asking me how to build muscle mass fast.

In fact, keeping a simple logbook should form the foundation of you entire workout plan. If you are dead serious about wanting to build muscle mass fast, then there is no reason that you should not keep a simple logbook that details all your workout routine on a week-to-week basis.

There are so many aspiring muscle-builders who are too preoccupied with the technical principles of muscle building. They are obsessed with things like exercise selection, number of reps, number of sets, number of days to spend in the gym and so on that they fail to see the bigger approach towards muscle building.

Whichever technique or approach that you are using in the gym, the foundation factor remains the same; if you desire success then you have to aim for PROGRESSION.

That's right. Progression is the only way that you can measure your muscle building efforts. You see, our bodies build muscle due to an adaptive response that you introduce during your weigh training. In order to survive the next intensive workout, your body will rebuild larger and stronger muscles to prevent itself against possible damage.

Henceforth, in order for you to build muscle mass fast, you have to continually progress on a weekly basis by increasing your stress level consistently. And this progression can easily be recorded in your simple logbook.

Your logbook should ideally record the 2 main forms of progression; one is the increment of weight lifted on a specific exercise and two, is the increment of reps performed with a consistent weight on a given exercise.

I'm confident to say that if you can improve at least one of the above forms of progression, then you are on your way to build muscle mass fast. If you simply go into the gym without having a structured plan in mind, then I am afraid that your muscle building efforts will just be on a leveled plateau.

There is an amazing online muscle building program called Muscle Gain Truth System which includes a nifty tool that allows you to track not only your workouts, but almost every other aspect of your own muscle building plan. You can easily track the progression of your body weight, muscle gains, body fat percentage, diet, strength increases, progress pictures and more. Simply visit the link provided below for more information on this muscle building program that can help you to build muscle mass fast.

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