
8 Simple Ways To Increase Muscle Mass

Building muscle mass can be a confusing subject, given the amount of information there is on the internet about the subject. There are hundreds of thousands of workout programs, supplements, and equipment out there to choose from. I have researched for hundreds of hours on the subject, and in this article, you will learn 8 simple ways to increase muscle mass in the shortest amount of time possible.

Increase Muscle Mass

1. Train With Weights - If you want to increase the size of your muscles, then lets face it, you are going to need to workout with weights. Weight training is the fastest way to gain size. When your muscles are faced with resistance, they tear. The small tears in the muscle fibers causes the muscles to get stronger and stronger over time.

2. Eat Protein - Protein is the building block of muscle cells. In order to build muscle, you are going to need to consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This will insure that you have enough protein in your body to fuel muscle growth.

3. Drink Water - Muscle cells are 80% water. If you have ever been to your local gym then you have probably seen bodybuilders walking around with water jugs. That is because bodybuilder know that water is vital to their muscle growth. If you are serious about gaining muscle mass then you will want to drink at least 1 gallon of water daily.

4. Take Creatine - Creatine has been proven in multiple scientific studies to deliver more water into the muscle cells and aid muscle growth. There are a lot of supplements to choose from, pick one, and use it.

5. Get Some Rest - Muscles are torn when you are working out, and they grow when you are resting. You need to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night. This will allow for maximum muscle tissue repair.

6. Eat Fruit After Your Workouts - After a weight training workout, there is a 30 minute window where it is vital that you get some nutrients in your body, mainly a simple sugar. When working out, your muscles use glycogen for fuel. After a typical weight training workout of 45-60 minutes, your muscles are depleted of glycogen. 1 cup of grape juice or a medium banana will work perfectly for glycogen refueling.

7. Don't Do Cardio - Muscle grows when you eat more calories then you are taking in, and doing cardio will only burn up the precious nutrients needed for muscle repair.

8. Take Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) - Branch Chain Amino Acids account for at least 35% of the protein needed for protein synthesis. All bodybuilders make BCAA's a primary part of their supplement routine.

Follow these 8 simple steps for increasing muscle mass, and make them a part of your daily routine. Doing this will insure muscle growth to last for years.

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