
Workout Routines - Expert Routines For Fitness And Health

Once you are done with "workout routines" as a beginner, you get the hang of working out to stay fit. Its time to move onto more effective expert "workout routines" to make you feel proud of your muscular and well-toned body. Apart from the basic weight exercises as well as stretching and cardio exercises, it is a good idea to start more intense core training, power lifting and leg muscle exercises. There is no point in showing off great biceps with chicken legs.

Workout Routines

Expert "workout routines" mainly comprise of alternating cardio exercises with gym training. Gym training deals with intense weight training covering six areas of the body - shoulders, chest, lateral section, biceps and triceps, core area or the midsection, and the legs. The general workout regime consists of a day's cardio exercises followed by gym workout the next day, concentrating on any two areas of the body, and again cardio exercises the following day. Therefore, three days of gym workouts using weights cover all six areas of the body.

The following "workout routines" need to be concentrated upon at the expert level:
Cardio exercises: Cardio exercises are mainly aimed at reducing body fat to give a leaner and fitter you. This workout involves increasing the heart beat rate through exercises like running, jogging, cycling, steps aerobics, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.

Core training: Core training is one of the much demanding expert "workout routines" that involves tightening of the core muscles that run the length of the trunk and torso, mainly the mid-section or the abs as well as the muscles controlling the spine and pelvic movements. By strengthening the core muscles, you are not only able to reduce abdominal fat, but also decrease strain in lower back thereby preventing back pain in that region.

Leg muscle building: The weight of the body falls on the legs and hence "workout routines" involving the legs are very essential for a perfectly balanced body. Squats, curls and leg press exercises to strengthen thigh, calf and hamstring muscles are a must for expert workouts.

Power lifting: This is a workout mainly meant for strength gain. It is a combination of bench press for chest and back, squats and curls for legs, military press and dumbbells for shoulders and triceps every alternate day with rest days in between. Power lifting "workout routines" helps muscle-building to a certain extent though strength building is the core issue in this case.

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