
Secret Techniques Used in the Military to Build Muscle and Increase Fitness

Picture the average soldier. What do you see? In your mind he (or she!) is probably a musclebound, super fit specimen of humanity. This is the Hollywood image of the Fighting Man - think Arnie in Commando or Predator. In reality the modern soldier is lean, fit and dedicated to physical fitness but he doesn't look like Mr. Olympia. He has massive stamina and endurance, explosive power and impressive strength with a physique more akin to an MMA fighter than a bodybuilder. The techniques I outline here will definitely help you get military fit. Click the link below to get specific training programs that you can start at home today.

build muscle
How do you think the military get their troops into this kind of condition? There are a number of methods.

1 - Loaded runs and cardio training
2 - Local Muscular Endurance exercises
3 - Functional Strength Training

I'm going to talk about the 3rd method and how you can easily add this little known technique to your own training arsenal. The secret? The Russian Kettlebell. Used by the Russian Special Forces for years, the Kettlebell is now popular in armies all over the world. The main reasons for this are it's versatility and the results it gives. Get thinking again and picture a soldier working hard in the middle of Iraq or Afghanistan. The chances are he is in some outpost with no access to a gym or weights.

Sitting in the corner of his tent is a small cannonball shaped object with a handle weighing in at 24kg - the Kettlebell. This is his gym. This is how he keeps fighting fit. Why is the Kettlebell so suited to this environment? Because it's small, it's portable and it gets the job done. Because the exercises that are conducted are functional in nature, they directly benefit the soldier in his line of work. They replicate the pushing, pulling, swinging, pressing and moving actions that the he completes every day. Every extra Swing or Clean he does means he can heft ammo boxes that bit quicker or he will be faster at dropping rounds into his mortar. His Kettlebell is a versatile weapon in his arsenal and it gets results.

Now, what about John and Mary Doe? They aren't in the army and won't be loading rounds into a 120mm mortar any time soon. Why would they need a kettlebell? Well, in actual fact, it doesn't matter who they are or what they do. The same tool used by the soldier is NOT out of place sitting in a garage, bedroom or hallway. You too can get the same results as the soldier training overseas. A Kettlebell will cost you between $20 and $75 depending on the weight. How long would that get you a gym membership for? Not very long! You can save a fortune, train like a soldier and build muscle from the convenience of your own home or back yard. Once you have a solid routine in place and the discipline to follow it through you will 100% see massive gains. People will start to ask you if you are just back from a tour of duty overseas! Click on my link below to check out the science behind the theory and get yourself on the road to extreme strength and fitness.

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