
Weight Lifting Workouts For Amazing Fat Loss

Weight lifting workouts can be a great way to build muscle, burn fat and get into amazing shape. While there are certainly trendier options when it comes to losing weight, the truth of the matter is that weight training is the single most effective form of muscle building, fat burning exercise!

Weight Lifting Workouts

While all properly structured weight lifting workouts will help you build muscle and burn fat, there are a few tips that you can use to get the most from your effort in the gym. By sticking to the basics and implementing these tips, you will achieve your fitness goals quicker and easier than ever before.

If you goals are to burn fat and lose weight, your weight lifting workouts need to be structured a bit differently than the typical bodybuilding training routines. When I work with clients who are serious about burning fat as quickly as possible, I almost always design their weight lifting workouts in the form of free weight circuits.

Circuit training workouts allow you to strengthen your muscles and work your cardiovascular system at the same time. This style of training typically allows you to burn more calories in less time than traditional weight lifting workouts.

The only real downside to the circuit training model,is that is does not stimulate as much muscle growth as lower repetition - heavier weight workouts. In my opinion, the fact that you can burn more calories in less time far outweighs the fact that you will not gain as much muscle mass (especially if your goals are to lose weight).

Here's how to put together your own fat burning circuit training workout...

1.) Prior to beginning your weight lifting workout, perform 5 - 10 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise (jogging, walking, treadmill, exercise bike etc.)

2.) After 5 - 10 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise perform a full body flexibility routine.

3.) Choose 4 - 8 free weight compound exercises

4.) Focus each workout around a specific theme (total body workouts or upper body, lower body etc.)

5.) Put the exercises in an order that makes sense for your gym's layout.

6.) Decide how many circuit sets you're going to perform (3 - 5 is recommended)

7.) Perform 12 - 15 repetitions of each exercise with little to no rest between exercises.

8.) After completing each circuit set, rest for 2 - 2.5 minutes then jump into your next circuit set.

9.) Commit to performing 2 - 4 weight lifting workout sessions each week.

If you structure your weight lifting workouts like this, you will begin to notice a difference in the way your body looks and feels. In addition to strengthening your muscles, you'll begin to notice fat melting off of your body in record time!

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