
Top 7 Simple Tips to Lose Weight Fast and Live a Healthier Lifestyle

As you know, losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle makes for a more enjoyable life. Keeping your body fat in check makes you look better in clothes and without. Consistent exercise keeps your mind sharp and gives you more energy to carry out the physical activities you enjoy doing.

Lose Weight Fast

Here are my simple steps to losing weight fast and living a healthier lifestyle

Get up and get moving

Get some kind of exercise in daily. You don't need to get a high intensity workout in every day (3-5 days of moderate to intense exercise is sufficient), but on your days off from the gym you should still get some low intensity activity in. Even if it's a simple 20 minute walk around the block after dinner, or playing with the kids. The health benefits are immense, not to mention those calories burned add up over time.

Eat like a caveman

Have a portion of lean protein at every meal and a fibrous vegetable such as broccoli, spinach or asparagus with at least 2 meals per day. Protein is invaluable as far as the body goes. Protein is the backbone of every cell in your body and is involved in everything from keeping your metabolism running hot to building lean muscle tissue. Fibrous vegetables will provide valuable antioxidants as well as fiber to keep you feeling full and avoid over eating.

Buy local and natural

Get your fruits and vegetables as close to the source and as natural as possible. Shop at local farmers markets in your area or the outskirts of the grocery store and choose what is in- season. The next best choice would be frozen selections which actually don't lose much nutrient wise. Stay away from fruit packed in jars or cans as most are filled with extra sugar, syrup and preservatives.

Variety is the spice of life... and health

Mix it up when it comes to fruits and vegetables. The different pigments in the skin provide different antioxidants and nutrients. Notice the different colors and shades in the produce section. You've got red, yellow and green peppers for example. They all have nutrients that are unique and vital for your health.

Heart- healthy and good for your waistline: EFA's

Do not overlook your essentially fatty acids (EFA's). Unfortunately fats have a bad rap due to misinformation spread throughout the 80's and 90's. In the last few years the tide has turned and people are realizing that not all fats are bad and some are vital to your health and well being.

Fish oil (Omega- 3) is top notch for it's long list of health benefits and if you don't eat fish, caps and nicely flavored liquids are available. Olive, avocado and coconut oils to name a few, also have multiple health and fat loss attributes. Use them for cooking, or drizzling on salads.

(Quick tip- adding a small amount of fat to your vegetables not only improves the taste, but will help you absorb the crucial nutrients)

Drink your water and avoid calorie containing beverages

By remaining hydrated (drinking more water) you will have more energy, think clearly and perform better at the gym. You'll also recover faster after a workout and reduce your chance of injury. Have a glass of water before you go to bed at night and you should find you have increased energy when you wake up in the morning. Keep calorie laden beverages like juices, soda and specialty coffee drinks out of the house. All they do is rack up calories.

Think outside the box

Avoid refined and processed foods and anything in a box. These foods are stripped of nutritional value and provide empty calories while putting your insulin levels on a roller coaster ride. Packaged foods tend to be loaded with salt or sugar and can stimulate hunger- resulting in you eating more. Usually way more.

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