
Proven Bicep Muscle Building Techniques

If you're thinking of gaining more muscles so that you can start showing off those abs at the beach this summer, then you'll need to understand this. Muscle building is not the same as losing weight! A common misconception is to think that all body workouts are the same, but they are not. Some exercises that target specific part of the body are meant for fat loss, while some are for gaining muscles.

Muscle Building

Biceps are generally the most sought after muscle group, because they are more visible as compared to the other muscle group. The simplest and fastest way to do this is to perform curls as they are optimized to actually injure your biceps, which in turn promote faster muscle growth. Here are some proven bicep exercises.

If your intention is to gain muscles instead of losing weight, here are some exercises that are effective at doing so and giving you the results faster.

Standing Alternate Dumbbells Curls - This is a great way to build those biceps because they're easy and do not requires any more than just a set of dumbbells. To start, hold one dumbbell at each hand with the palm facing each other. Remember to curl one dumbbell at a time, while lifting; start rotating your palm forward. Upon full contraction with your bicep, lower the dumbbell back to its original position. Repeat this for the other hand.

Standing Bar Curls - You should be standing about a shoulder width apart. Start by holding the bar with an underhand grip technique. Start with your arms raised straight out and your biceps fully extended. When you're ready, slightly lean forward and curl your arms in one smooth and powerful motion. One important point is to slowly extend your biceps when you're going back to the starting position. Also remember to lower the weights slowly rather than just dropping them.

The recommended repetition is 10 and 3 sets for both the exercise.

Your goal is to overwork your biceps, tear your muscles in order for more to grow. When you're done lifting those weights, remember to have at least two days rest for better muscle growth.

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