
Weight Loss the Easy Way - Getting Rid of Snacks Can Help You to Lose Weight

I am always amazed at how much money we Americans spend on snacks each year, how does $10 billion a year sounds to you. I'm talking about salted snacks like potato chips, popcorn, pretzels, Cheezits and the list goes on and on, and that's just on salted snacks. Americans spend over $12 billion on the sweet snacks. That much money would be able to take care of the needs of all the starving children in the world. Find out how to lose the snacks and reduce the slacks.

I once read an article by a well known pediatrician stated that snacking is important for children in order for them to obtain all the necessary calories they are growing bodies require each day. Can you believe it? Fortunately a comprehensive study was done on children who snack and those who don't, and good sense has prevailed on the matter of snacking. The study revealed that children who are allowed to start constantly throughout the day will usually have no appetite to eat their well balanced meals. And with this lack of calories and nutrition the kids require more snacks and this vicious cycle continues what our children get fatter, sicker and malnourished.

Some people believe that grazing throughout the day that is eating small snacks every one to two hours would help them to lose weight. This theory is only factual is the kind of food you eat our healthy nutritious whole foods, greasy, oily, highly refined highly processed foods could never help you to lose weight, either in the past in the present or in the future.

Most people do not realize how much calories they rack up by eating snacks throughout the day. Let's take for example on a typical day you have in the morning a Krispy Kreme doughnut filled with cream filling, some coffee, orange soda. And then in the mid morning you have a chocolate bar bar and a cola drink, then after lunch you have a couple more cups of coffee and four chocolate chip cookies. Later on in the evening or afternoon you have a 16 ounce cup of soft drinks, with some french fries and a bag of potato chips. Later on tonight you feel a bit peckish so you have a slice of cake and some ice cream and wash that down some more soft drink. You may look at this list above and chuckle, but I guarantee you that many Americans eat this much snack every day. If you should add up all the calories from just the snacks listed above you would come up with a grand total of 1800 calories!

That 1800 calories a separate and apart from the calories that you would consume from your normal breakfast lunch and dinner. So right away you can see that snacking is a big problem if you are trying to lose weight.

The first thing you can do to start shedding the pounds right away is by eliminating all smacks from your diet. And right off the bat you would have eliminated between 1000 to 2000 calories a day. In order to burn 1000 calories from the body you would have to run for almost 3 hours continuously! So instead of working your butt off in a gym trying to rid yourself of the calories you gain from snacking, why not just eliminate the snacks altogether.

Most people are amazed at how much weight they start to loose once they stop smacking and this is without dieting or exercising.

Apart from the weight you will lose from avoiding snacks, there are other surprising health benefits and financial benefits to be gain from giving up your snack.

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