
Best Workout to Lose Belly Fat

A lot of people all over the world spend hours each week at the gym trying desperately to burn off more stomach fat and get those perfect abs everyone craves. The sad thing is that despite all this effort, most people don't get the results they long for. The reason is simple: ignorance. People simply don't know how to workout.
lose belly fat

So, what is the best workout to lose belly fat? How is it supposed to be like?

The first thing you need to know is that ab exercises don't need to be a large part of this workout since the main purpose is to burn belly fat not to strengthen your abs. As long as the ab muscles remain hidden by a layer of fat no one will ever be able to see them anyway.

The second thing you need to understand is that your workout should have the following parts in order:

  1. A warm up which involves a short cardio session to build up a light sweat and some dynamic stretching exercises.
  2. A strength workout which needs to include at least 2 main muscle groups such as your legs, back, chest, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. If you go to the gym 3 times a week or less, work your entire body. If more, then you should focus on 2-3 muscle groups on each workout.
  3. Ab exercises should come at the end of your strength workout. The reason is that the abs are stabilizing muscles and help you perform other strength exercises. You don't want the abs to be fatigued when they need to be supporting your other muscles.
  4. A cardio session. This needs to be intensive. If you want to burn as much belly fat as you can during this workout, you're going to need to really push yourself hard.
  5. A cool down to help you avoid muscle cramps and pain.
The third thing you need to remember is that a workout is about fitness not socializing. You don't go to the gym to make friends but to burn fat. Spend your time working out, not talking idly. Make your breaks between reps short and sweet. Focus on your exercises and make sure to maintain proper form.

You need to make your entire body fitter and build lean muscle mass all over as it will help you burn more calories and fat faster. If you do this kind of workout 2-3 times a week you will see quick results.

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