
How to Get Ripped in 30 Days - Here Are Great Ways to Get Ripped in a Month!

Learning how to get ripped in 30 days is a huge goal to accomplish. The only way this is ever gonna happen in such a short period of time is if you have determination, and the right motivation.

how to get ripped in 30 days

That's all you need to accomplish anything. The way we'll be learning how to get ripped in 30 days is by discovering two of the best ab exercises there are to get ripped. With you performing these exercises daily, it'll be easy to get ripped in a month.

The Lying Floor Leg Raise

This is a great exercise that will get you to your goal of getting ripped in a month's time. You'll need no equipment to perform this exercise. The steps to perform this exercises are:

1. Lay down on the floor with your legs extended straight out. Keep your arms by your sides with your palms on the floor.

2. To start the exercise, lift your heels slightly while keeping your legs straight and knees together. Slowly raise your legs so that they are pointing straight up. You should form a 90 degree angle with your legs and back.

3. Lower and lift your legs, and make sure not to pause when you bring your legs back up. Let your legs go up and down in a consistent motion. Another tip is to not let your heels touch the floor throughout your reps.

4. Do this exercise for 10 to 14 reps a day.

If you perform this workout daily, you'll know exactly how to get ripped in 30 days.

The Twisting Floor Crunch

This is another phenomenal exercise that will get you ripped in a month. No equipment is needed to do this exercise. The steps to perform this exercise to get ripped are:

1. Lay down on the floor flat on your back. Pull your left leg up so that it forms 90 degree angle.

2. Take your right leg and rest the ankle on the left knee joint.

3. Begin the movement by touching the side of the head with your fingertips, and slightly moving your shoulder blades off the floor. Crunch up so that you bring your left elbow to your right knee.

4. Slowly lower your back to starting position without letting your shoulder blades touch the floor. Repeat this movement for 10 to 14 reps on each side of your body. First the right leg crossed and then the left leg crossed.

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