
The 3 Day Diet - How Much Weight Can You Really Lose?

In this article we are going to take another quick look at a popular, short term approach to losing weight fast, and take a revealing peek at how effective (and safe!) it really is. Read on...
3 day diet

The 3 Day Diet Plan is a quick plan approach where you eat a specific mix of foods which are intended to create a chemical reaction in the digestive system. The theory is that doing so will boost the metabolism, which in turn, will cause the body to burn fat at a faster rate. This diet has a diuretic effect on the body which causes water weight loss rather than fat loss. This of course can be done in 3 days and at least a four day break is required before another 3 days of dieting can be started. (This diet may also be known as the Day Diet, The Navy Diet or The Army Three Day Diet.) There are several variations of this diet as well. There are three meals required for each day which equal to about 600 calories per day.

The downside is that it is possible to experience low energy while on this diet. Why? Well, you are only consuming 600 calories a day and the body requires more than this for fuel! This diet also does not provide the essential nutrients our bodies need and would not be healthy to partake in for long periods of time. Because it is water loss not fat loss - dieters will regain the weight quickly once they return to eating a different diet. This diet is more for those who want to be and even moreso appear thinner for a temporary basis. So if there is a certain event that you would want to lose weight for quickly - this diet could work for you - although there are certainly healthier ways to do it. But for the quick fix folks, here are some of the popular permutations of how people are doing it:


Breakfast -

black coffee of tea (sugar substitutes are permitted)
1/2 grapefruit, or 4 oz. grapefruit juice
1 slice toast along with a tablespoon of peanut butter

Lunch -

Black coffee or tea (sugar substitutes are permitted)
1/2 cup chicken or tuna
1 slice of toast

Dinner - 3 oz. of lean beef or chicken

1 cup of both green beans and carrots
4 oz. vanilla ice cream
1 apple


Breakfast -

Black coffee or tea (sugar substitutes are permitted)
1 egg (scrambled or boiled)
1/2 banana
1 slice toast

Lunch -

1 cup low fat cottage cheese, or 1 cup plain low fat yogurt, or tuna (water packed)
8 saltine crackers

Dinner -

2 beef frankfurters
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 banana
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream


Breakfast -

Black coffee or tea (sugar substitutes are permitted)
5 saltine crackers
1 oz. cheddar cheese
1 apple

Lunch -

1 boiled egg
1 slice of toast
Black coffee or tea (sugar substitutes are permitted)

Dinner -

1 cup of all of the following: either tuna or chicken, cauliflower, carrots and melon
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream

NOTE: herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup may be added to food for flavor

This diet also recommends roughly four glasses of water per day as well - and in combination with the above, feels a lot like three days in prison would be for me! But different strokes, for different folks - and when it comes to short term weight loss for a big occasion, while not the healthiest approach, you certainly could do worse!

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