
3 Natural Diets For Weight Loss

Losing weight significantly cannot be accomplished in one day. The task involves discipline in eating habits and lifestyle. Since resorting to pills alone may cause harm to the body, it is still better to use natural methods.
natural diets

A proven way is to change your meal plan. Decrease the amount of starch and fat intake and replace them with food that can help in your task. Here are three natural diets for weight loss. Each is proven to work by experts. They are also very affordable.

Three Apple Diet
Simply eat an apple before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The flesh of the apple is very fibrous. Its composition makes it stay longer in the stomach. It will make you feel full and lessen your appetite. The sweet taste will also take away craving for dessert.

The apple diet also needs two small snacks in between main meals. This will compensate for the small food intakes in the main meals. For it to be effective, there must be 6 servings of other fruits and vegetables daily. This is very similar with the South Beach Diet, where the intake of saturated fats is greatly reduced.

Fiber Diet
Dietary fiber plays a great role in good digestion and easy moving of bowels. Water-soluble fibers bind with food, retarding the absorption of cholesterol and fats. Seeds, nuts, berries, legumes and fruits are very rich in water-soluble fibers.

It is also good to replace white bread and refined grains with whole-grain foods. Whole-grain foods are rich in fibers. Refined grains, on the other hand, are very easy to convert into sugar - which will be deposited as fats. Buy whole-grain bread and oats. Fiber rich food also has phytochemicals. These substances will help keep the organs healthy. They also reduce risks of several cancers.

Green Tea Diet
Green tea is popular not only as a beverage, but also as a fat burner. It contains the chemical Epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG, which helps in the process Thermogenesis. EGCG also helps regulate blood pressure.

Thermogenesis is the natural production of heat in the body. It is also known as fat oxidation. Fat is used as the fuel for this heat. However, a sedentary lifestyle can retard the process. For example, people working at the office produce less body heat.

Green tea increases the rate of fat burning, even if the person maintains his/her regular activities. Experts suggest drinking at least 5 cups of green tea every day. Added exercise will make the results better.

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