
Overall Strength - 5 Benefits of the Dead Lift!

One of the best overall total body lifts you can engage in is the dead lift. Now when I say dead lift I don't mean having a locked knee-straight back poor technique for causing you to slip a disk in your back! This is NOT the way to execute this lift. You see you should perform the dead lift with your hips and glutes by keeping a straight flat back and hinging at your hips, not so much at your knees. This is a hugely beneficial lift for you and I have 5 reasons why it is below!

Benefits Of The Dead Lift!

1. Grip Strength: This lift is tremendous for helping you to develop serious grip strength. There are several different ways to increase your grip strength with this lift. The reason why is that you can perform the lift in so many different ways. You can perform it with a barbell, a kettlebell, a medicine ball, or diamond bar. There are several different variations and you can even perform the lift individually on just one arm. Gripping and pulling weight off of the ground will greatly improve your hand strength!

2. Core Strength: With the dead lift you seriously engage your core midsection for both spinal stabilization and to readily tense your body to handle the load you are about to lift. Core tension is all about core strength. This is how you can take your overall strength development to a whole new level. If you want a powerful core then hit the dead lift with total aggression!

3. Speed Up Your Metabolism: Your metabolic rate is determined by how much lean muscle mass you have on your body as a whole. This is the key to being fit and strong. The dead lift hits so many large muscle groups that you will significantly raise your level of perceived exertion which in turn will speed up your metabolism because of the exertion and development of all of these large muscles. If you want to trim down then get good at hammering dead lifts at a relatively strong intensity!

4. Improved Posture: Many people have back issues because of poor posture and a weak back and posterior chain is generally the reason for this. The dead lift is great for strengthening your hips and back for a significant improvement in your posture. By engaging the muscles of your posterior chain (hips, glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors, trapezius, etc.) you will essentially pull your shoulders back and straighten your spine for better posture.

5. Improves Mobility: This is a great one. One of the reasons people lack in their individual fitness and exercise programs is because they don't include lifts and exercises with enough body mobility. As a matter of fact a lot of people try to segmentalize their workouts all to often by engaging in lifts that are single joint in nature which aren't the most beneficial way to improve their total function and ability for improved mobility. The dead lift is a great multi joint lift for improving mobility!

If you haven't already started to include this awesome drill into your personal workouts then you are missing out. Take the time to learn more by accessing more of my articles on the subject for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!

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