
26 Fat Burning Foods - The Insiders Secret to Burning Fat With Foods That Melt Flab Like a Torch

With all of the ads on TV promising fitness in a bottle it is no wonder that we often forget the power of real foods. The fact is that the super fit know how to use food as their friend to shed fat and stay lean.
fat burning

So if you are looking for a fat loss secret that can melt away pounds and keep you full and satisfied then lets go over the Top 15 fat burning foods.

Daily Doses Of Dairy

The University of Tennessee published a new study that shows calcium found in dairy foods actually blocks fat storage in the cells around your abdomen, thighs, and hips. Another similar study reported in Quebec showed that taking at least 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day increases the good (HDL) cholesterol and decreases the bad (LDL) cholesterol. So the health benefits and fat burning boost that comes from simply adding milk products to your diet can produce weight-loss with no actual reduction of the calories in your diet.

The secret ingredient that makes this all possible is the mineral calcium found abundantly inside dairy products. Calcium burns stored fat, while promoting the buildup of more muscle tissue. Here the top products that have this unique fat burning elixir

1. Low Fat Milk
2. Low Fat Yogurts
3. Fresh (non-aged) Low Fat Cheeses
4. Cottage Cheese

Secrets Of Soy

The Far East has enjoyed the benefit of soy products for centuries. Soy contains natural phyto-nutrients called isoflavones, which your body uses to break down the fat, which is stored inside fat cells. Many recent clinical studies have shown that eating of soy based products helps bum fat and lose weight without any other alteration in their diets.

As a bonus the isoflavones in soy also reduce heart disease by breaking down the stored fat in your body, isoflavones also break down saturated fat in your blood. This means that the simple addition of soy to your diet lowers your LDL bad cholesterol and builds a healthier heart and sexier figure. Here are some soy-based foods you can add to your diet

5. Soy Yogurt
6. Tofu
7. Soy milk

The Power Of Protein

Protein is one of the unspoken heroes of weight loss because it helps gain lean muscle mass, which is what burns calories. The simple fact is that the more muscle you have the better you will have the ability to lose weight, because your metabolism increases with each muscle fiber you add in your system. Plus muscle makes shapely legs and tight butts ; )

Healthy proteins include:

8. Grilled Chicken Breasts
9. Salmon
10. Tuna
11. Eggs
12. Lean Grilled Beef

Fat Burning Fiber

Some of the most outstanding foods in the fat burning food tool chest are those containing fiber. This means that almost all vegetables are great fat burning foods as they contain fiber that helps digested sugars released more slowly into your blood stream which slows your body's insulin response.

Here are some veggies you can eat plain, in a salad; but the insiders secret technique of using vegetables is to create a filling and low calorie soup:

13. Asparagus -
14. Cabbage -
15. Kale - also high in calcium
16. Green Beans
17. Bell Peppers
18. Summer Squash

Fats For Fat Burning

Want to know a deep dark insiders secret? The secret is that adding certain fats to your diet will help with fat burring because the body does not store them as fat like other types of dietary fats, sneaky and tasty

19. Olive Oil
20. Flax Oil
21. Coconut oil -

Fuel The Fire With Spice

If you want a cool insiders secret, consider adding some spice to your life. Spices not only add flavor to foods but they also spice up your digestive system. Spices create what is called a "thermic" effect to your body. In other words they heat up your body by revving up that metabolism and helping you to burn all that fat in your body. So that salsa you love helping you burn fat

22. Jalapeno Pepper
23. Cayenne Pepper
24. Garlic
25. Cinnamon
26. Ginger

Fat Burning Foods - The Combinations That Melt Fat And Build Hot Hips And Sexy Thighs.

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