
Working Smarter Not Harder - Tips For Bodybuilding Workout Routines

The heart and soul of bodybuilding is the workout routine. It is the catalyst for all of the results gained and to most bodybuilders the really fun part, notwithstanding the blood, sweat and tears. It is also the most diverse topic in the field of bodybuilding simply by virtue of the sheer mass of opinion that exists on the subject. As a novice choosing bodybuilding workout routines can be a difficult task. You will be bombarded with different, sometimes conflicting, advice and input from both individuals in the game and the media.

workout routines
At this point the best approach is to consult a doctor to establish your general state of health and fitness then to find a good gym and trainer and have a body type/goal assessment done. Then stick to the advice given until you reach the point where time on the job and knowledge of your own abilities and responses allows you to make definitive decisions on your own.

For starters however, bodybuilding workout routines can be broken down into two separate regimens namely muscle building and fat loss. Weight training alone will not deliver acceptable results and needs to be combined with cardio exercise and a sound diet plan to loose fat. Once that is in place a decision regarding how you split your training needs to be made. This basically establishes how and when you focus on specific muscle groups the norm being one muscle group per day of your routine. This said variety is essential in your choice of muscle group specific exercises to avoid hitting dead spots in your progress. Your body is a smart machine. Once it works out where the torture is coming from it will quickly adapt and you'll loose impetus.

Although Bodybuilding workout routines are very individual, here is a simple guide to a couple of basic routines based on a recurring 3 day week.

Low Volume 3 Day Split:

This workout routine is repeated on the same days of the week. Days of the week used are examples, the intervals are important however. 3 sets of each exercise.

Workout 1 - Monday:

Db Bench Press 6 - 8 reps
Close Grip Bench Press 6 - 8 reps
Reverse Grip Floor Press 8 - 12 reps
Chest Dips 6 - 8 reps

Workout 2 - Tuesday:

Narrow Grip Chins/pull ups 8 - 12 reps
Conventional Deadlift 10/6/3 reps
Bent Over Rows 6 - 8 reps
Eccentric Bb curls 4 - 6 reps

Workout 3 - Thursday:

Squats 10/6/3 reps
Clean and Jerk 4 - 6 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift 6 - 8 reps
Cuban Press 4 - 6 reps

Compound 3 Day Split:

This workout routine is repeated on the same days of the week. Days of the week used are examples, the intervals are important however. 2 sets of each exercise.

Workout 1 - Monday:

Squats 10 - 15 reps
Leg Press 10 - 15 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlifts 10 - 15 reps
Calf Raises 10 - 15 reps

Workout 2 - Wednesday:

Bench Press or Incline Press 6 - 10 reps
Chest Dips (With weights if possible) 6- 10 reps
Military Press or Db Press 6 - 10 reps
Close Grip Bench Press 6 - 10 reps

Workout 3 - Friday:

Deadlifts 6 - 10 reps
Bent over row or 1 arm Db rows 6 - 10 reps
Wide Grip Pullups 6 - 10 reps (grip slightly wider than shoulder width)
Close Grip Chinups 6 - 10 reps (slightly closer than shoulder width)

Erika's Workout:

This workout routine is repeated on the same days of the week. Days of the week used are examples, the intervals are important however. 2 sets of each exercise.

Workout1 - Monday:

Seated Twist 15 reps
Hyperextension Bench 10 - 12 reps
Triceps Pressdown 10 - 12 reps
Incline Db Curls 10 -12 reps
Side Crunch 20 reps

Workout 2 - Tuesday:

Walking Lunges 10 - 12 reps
Ab and Ad machines 12 reps
Leg Curls 10 - 12 reps
Ab Machine 12 - 15 reps

Workout 3 - Thursday:

Standing Twist 15 reps
Hyperextension Bench 10 - 15 reps
Upright Rows 10 - 12 reps
Side bends 30 reps

As mentioned previously, these are only examples of bodybuilding workout routines, and although fairly typical may not be the best examples for you individually. For this reason it is essential to get assessed by a professional prior to making choices. And remember the basics, consistency, diet and rest. Without the correct balance of these three you are unlikely to reach any of your goals. Good luck!

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