
Skinny Guys - Gain 40 Lbs of Ripped Muscle

Skinny guys, don't fret. You too can get a ripped muscular body that you thought was out of your reach. There are a few things that you are probably doing wrong, by simply fixing these 5 things you will change the way your body builds muscle. You will change your body structure and ensure that you too are gaining muscle.
ripped muscle

To gain 40lbs of ripped muscle is no easy task. You won't simply wake up in 2 weeks with 40lbs of ripped muscle on your scrawny arms. Although, I do guarantee that it is possible, and faster than you may think. Within 6 months if you follow the steps below you should be well on your way to your full body transformation.

You need to focus on compound exercises; the days of you going to the gym and doing simple bicep curls and leg extensions are over. Simply put, you need to be doing the exercises that are going to make you stronger. Focus on doing overhead presses, bench presses, chin ups and pull ups/or pull downs for your upper body, and for your lower body the two musts are squats and deadlifts. If you are not doing some variation of these strength building exercises you are not working out effectively.

You need to focus on maxing out at 10 reps. There is no need to do marathon sets of 15-18 reps. If you are doing this you are not using enough weight. Your strength building is maximized when you are reping out at 10.

Keep your workouts short and intense. There is no need for you to be at the gym for 2 hours a day 7 days a week. You need to work your muscle fibers but there is no need to destroy them. Also, remember that you will be building your muscle when you are resting not when you are working out. The funny fact is that those 40lbs of ripped muscle will be growing on you when you are sleeping and resting.

Put on more plates. Don't settle for what you did last week. You need to understand that you constantly need to be getting stronger. Every two weeks try to increase your weight by 5%. This is very feasible; you should be stronger after every workout. If you are not then your body simply doesn't have enough rest.

Eat high quality foods. We have determined that you are a hard gainer. Let's not figure out how to change that so your body starts building muscle. This part is done through your diet. Now don't go out and order a large poutine and chicken wings. Instead focus on eating high quality foods from all the essential food groups. This is the most difficult part, because it requires time in your kitchen. Eat protein, carbs and good fats.

Don't forget your post workout shake, this is simply the most important meal of the day, You will need this like crazy after your intense workouts, and your body will really soak up the protein and nutrients.

Following the instructions above will really get you well on your way from being a skinny guy to being a former skinny guy who now has an extra 40lbs of ripped muscle on that frame. Making you much stronger than the majority of the people out there, and the person that others look up to at the gym.

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