1.) Make a decision that 2016 will be the best year yet. Starting now. Today. What's the point of going into a new year with a negative attitude?
2.) Write down a list of 10 things you want to accomplish and then write them down again. Read your list at least 5 times each week throughout the remainder of 2015 and weekly through 2016.
3.) Start each day Monday through Friday with a 30-45 minute cardio session. Use the time during that workout session to wake up, meditate, pray and focus on your daily tasks and goals that you want to accomplish.
4.) Make drinking water (a lot) of water extremely important. It's amazing what water can do to you and for you. From clearer and brighter skin to helping weight loss aim to drink at least a gallon of water daily.
5.) Work hard. Every damn day. And then do it again harder. We only use an estimated 10% of our ability at any one time. Remember that. Remember that you do have the ability to accomplish whatever it is you want but only if you're willing to put in the work.
6.) Surround yourself with people that work harder than you and are accomplishing the same things you want to accomplish. Ask them questions. Buy them coffee and rack their brains. When they give you those nuggets on how they were able to accomplish their goals, write it down and begin taking massive action. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. It's going to be an important component to your success.
7.) Never settle. I repeatedly tell myself to stay comfortable being uncomfortable. It works. If you think about your past achievements, you'll probably realize the most rewarding experiences happened just past that point of your normal comfort levels. We should all challenge ourselves to reach even further past tat point of comfort.
8.) "Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others." So that's actually an Audrey Hepburn but it sums up what I want to say here so well.
9.) Expect the best for yourself. Love yourself. And then love others as much as you love yourself.
10.) Read more. Learn more. Seek more, Question more and lastly Do more. Take massive action towards that list you wrote.