
Workout Routines For Women: The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Workout Will Never Get You The Body You Want

The truth of the matter is that pretty much any of the workout routines for women you see will get you results, at least to some extent. The thing is, will they get you the body of your dreams? Will they get you a body you can be proud of showing off? Will they get you the body that will make men go crazy? Probably not.

Workout Routines For Women

The problem is with what women are taught about working out, and with what women aren't taught about workouts and working out. Let's see if I can shed some light on the subject.

The Top 5 Reasons Why Your Workout Will Never Get You The Body You Want:

1. Not working hard enough. 

Have a look around at the gym and count all the women breaking a sweat in the gym. That's right, you'd be hard pressed to find even one. Why is that? It's because women have been taught that you don't have to work hard to get in shape. They've been told, it shouldn't hurt to get results. That is big time baloney. If you want that hot body, you must work hard, there is no other way.

Next time you're at the gym and you see that one woman who has that killer, fit physique, ask yourself how she got that body? Better yet, ask her. I'll bet my last dollar, she worked hard to get it. You need to do the same.

2. Changing your workout every other week. 

Tell me something, if you change your workout every other week, how will you know if you've improved? That's right, you won't. Here is where women have been lied to again. If you want results, you need to stick with a workout program for at least 4-6 weeks, to give the workout a chance to work and so you can gauge the effectiveness of the workout. Do you really think that after 1 week that you can tell if a given workout works or not? No you can't. So, stop changing your workouts so quickly.

3. Hours of running on the treadmill. 

All I have to say about this is, do you want a long distance runner body? A distance runner's body is skinny and bony and not very attractive. Look up long distance runners bodies on the internet, you'll see. Trust me, guys don't dig that. At least most of them don't. Running for hours on the treadmill is not going to get you the sexy body you want.

4. Not having a clearly defined goal. 

Do you know exactly what your fitness goals are? Do you know what you want your body to look like? If not, this should be the first thing you decide. Figure this out and matching up the most effective and efficient workout to attain that goal is rather simple.

5. Not recording your progress. 

Get a training journal or simply get a small lined notebook you can take with you to the gym. Write every workout in it. Record the date, workout length, exercises, sets, reps every workout. You should also record things like your weight, body fat%, how you were feeling, what you ate that day, supplements you took, etc. A training journal does two main things. It motivates by allowing you to see how far you've progressed and it shows you what's working and what isn't so that you can adjust your workout to suit you better. Go get a training journal and start using it.

Those are the Top 5 Reasons Why Your Workout Will Never Get You The Body You Want. Take this advice and you will find it way easier to get and stay motivated, and way easier to get in hot body shape and stay that way for life. Now, all you need to do is, just do it!

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