
What's the Best Exercise to Lose Weight? - Discover the Easiest Here

Whether you want to drop a few pounds to fit into that pair of jeans, or you need to reduce significantly, increased fitness is an important part of weight loss. While you can lose weight on diet alone, a stronger, healthier body only comes from adding in exercise. If you've been wondering what the best exercise to lose weight might be, the answer isn't terribly simple. That's because everyone is different. While your neighbor may swear by the gym, it could make you feel cooped up and bored, or the other way around. Finding the best exercise to lose weight for you is a matter of thinking about your lifestyle and preferences. However, no matter what you pick, it's great to get in shape!

Exercise to Lose Weight

1. Choose an exercise you enjoy. It doesn't matter if it's one that's conventionally viewed as a weight loss exercise or not. You want to avoid losing lean muscle mass and increase the number of calories you burn. Any exercise will do this to some degree, though aerobic exercises tend to be a little more effective. It doesn't matter if you walk in the morning, go to the gym, or play DDR after work. Find something you love enough to do it on a regular basis. Exercise that's difficult or unpleasant will be easier to avoid.

2. Be realistic about your program. While it's easy to say we'll work out for an hour before work every day, the reality is that we'd usually rather sleep. Take a look at your life and decide how much time you'll be able and willing to spare for exercise. This is why it helps to have an activity you like - making time for it is a lot easier. Remember that you can always start small and work your way up to more time and more strenuous exercise. The first thing is to get moving, no matter how you do it.

3. Make exercise a lifestyle choice. Instead of exercising till the weight is gone, make sure you intend to stick with your program. This is one reason not to be overly enthusiastic when you pick out your routine. Most of us can do something in the short term, but maintaining a strenuous program for long periods of time can be a lot harder. However, you'll be healthier, and you'll probably feel better.

4. Consider a buddy. For some people, solo exercise is preferable, because it gives them time to think. However, for many of us, someone to work out with makes the experience a lot more pleasant. Find someone else in your life who also needs to boost their activity level and plan exercise with them. If schedules don't work out, you can exercise individually, but you'll still have someone to talk about your progress with, and who'll be there to provide feedback and support.

5. Take your body into account when you pick the best exercise to lose weight. Even if your walking buddy is up to doing several miles at a time, you might not be. It doesn't matter if you have trouble because of your weight, because you're not used to exercise, or because you have an injury or condition that makes being active hard. Don't push your body further than you're willing to go. It's not a good idea to injure yourself in pursuit of thinness! If you aren't sure what activities you should be doing, talk to a doctor.

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