
Women Love Big Muscles - How to Get Big Muscle Fast

Women love big muscles on guys. The truth is everyone loves big muscle. If someone says they don't, they're lying. Well I take that back, there is extremely small amount of people out there who don't like big muscles - they're dumb though. The problem is, knowing how to get big muscles isn't as easy. In the following paragraphs I will give you the best methods to get big muscles very quickly.

big muscle

Step 1: Eat more than just 3 meals a day
Most people only eat three large meals a day and that's fine if you want to stay small. But...if you want to get big muscles three meals a day won't get it done. You need to eat 5-7 small meals throughout the day to get the required amount of calories to gain muscle. After lifting weights your muscle need to be feed. So if you want to know how to get big muscles increase your number of meals a day and prepare for growth.

Step 2: Add more weight each week
The only way to keep your muscle getting bigger is to constantly increase the stress they encounter. That means increasing the weight on your lifts every single week. If you're brand new to lifting, adding 15 pounds a week to your lift is very possible and if you're experienced adding 5 pounds is common.

Step 3: Make sure you rest
Outside of the weight room is where you make your biggest gains. When you weight train, you tear down muscle. When you rest your muscle is repaired stronger than it was before. "How to get big muscles," you ask, that's the basic principle. If you constantly tear down muscle, by lifting weights, and never give it a chance to build back up, you'll over train. And you will be weaker and smaller than when you first started.

Step 4: Find a proven plan
Using a proven muscle building plan is the easiest way to put on a lot of muscle fast. With a proven muscle building plan the body of your dreams is right around the bend.

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