
Weight Training and Muscles, Not Just For Men Anymore!

Weight training and muscles, once reserved for macho men, are becoming more and more prevalent for women in recent years. Just take a look at the magazine rack in your local store, or look closely at the physique of the women on your favorite TV shows, and you'll notice that toned, muscular bodies are the norm for the rich and famous.


These elite women have set a standard for many others who have followed suit and given up their step classes for the weight room. Just walk into any gym and you're likely to see just as many women pumping weight as men, and for very good reason.

What women have begun to learn and understand is that when they build muscle, the extra weight they may be carrying is much easier to shed. Science has shown that indeed, muscle burns much more calories than fat. So, what does that mean for you and me?

Simply put, two women of the same height and weight can have very different physiques based on the amount of lean muscle each has. For example, Claire may be five feet, three inches, one hundred and thirty pounds, and have poor muscle tone. Her friend Sue may be the same height and weight but have strong, defined muscles. It is very likely that Sue will be thinner than Claire. Of course, this is a simple analogy, and many other factors such as body shape, medical conditions, etc. may play into the actual results.

Clearly, it is in the best interest of not only men but also women to work on building healthy muscle tone, and the message is getting out. So, how can this best be achieved?

Obviously, weight training is recommended. This doesn't mean that women need to be bench pressing hundreds of pounds, or putting themselves through workouts that Rocky would be proud of. A good weight training routine can be done at home, with small, simple weights, and there are many books and DVD's that will help with training routines. Today's gyms, for those who prefer to use professional grade equipment, offer weight training circuit sets, along with a wide variety of machines that are designed to build muscle.

Weight training is the first step, but should be combined with proper diet for maximum results. A diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars is recommended. Many women have found that fad diets which exclude all carbohydrates, leaving a menu based on meat, eggs, and dairy, are not only unhealthy but unrealistic. So, what's a girl to do?

A very good choice, and one that helps both women and men to lose weight without making drastic changes to their eating habits, is the daily use of meal replacement shakes that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, fats, and sugars. Most nutritionists agree that a healthy diet consists of five small meals a day, rather than three larger meals. Given this recommendation, it's important to realize that a healthy diet that incorporates so called meal replacement shakes is not a liquid only diet.

When used properly, protein shakes should be consumed twice a day, not as replacements for breakfast, lunch, or dinner but instead, in between breakfast and lunch and again between lunch and dinner. The protein and other nutrients found in the shake will help you to feel more full, which will in turn reduce caloric intake during the other meals. And of course, this is a great way to ensure that your body gets the protein which is necessary for proper muscle development and growth.

So, if you're tired of the way you feel and look, get off the couch, make a few tweaks to your diet, and get into a weight training program. Who knows, your future just may be longer, happier, and healthier for it!

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