
Very Powerful List of Fat Burning Foods!

The list of fat burning foods that I am going to present to you below is very powerful. You combine this list with a regular exercise program and your metabolic rate will go thought the roof. You will feel much more energetic and lose weight all through the day.

fat burning foods

I hear you asking, "List of fat burning foods? How do foods help burn fat?" Well read on and I will show you! You see, there are some foods out there, which burn up more calories when you consume them, than the calories that they give you. Now this is fantastic. Because, you can safely have these foods, not starve your self, and actually lose weight!

What are of these fat burning foods? How do they work?

Fruits Rich In "Vitamin C" (basically all citrus fruits!)

Limes, lemons, oranges, guava, grapefruit, papaya, sweet lime, tangerines & tomatoes. The fat burning properties of these foods come from the fact that, Vitamin C helps the body process fat faster & also dilutes the fat and makes it easy to release it from the body.

Pectin in apples, prevent the bodies cells from absorbing fats. An apple a day, truly keeps the doctor away, in many different ways!

Dairy Products that are RICH in calcium
This one is a very powerful fat burning food type! A study done by Professor Michael Zemel at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, found that people who had 3 servings of calcium rich dairy, burned much more belly fat if all other factors were maintained a constant. The foods, that you should eat in this category include milk, cheese, yogurt etc. This one is surprising, but true!

Chilies contain something called "capsaicin". And this capsaicin boosts the bodies metabolic rate. Studies have also shown that consuming chilies, gets the body in fat burning mode for the next 20 minutes or so!

Protein rich foods are best for burning tummy fat! For the body to break-down proteins, it takes a good amount of calories. So consuming beans, whole grain, oatmeal, eggs etc. is a great idea from the fat burning point of view! In fact, a study proved that "Lentils" are a great tummy flattener! They are high in proteins and soluble fiber, and have a very good side effect of stabilizing blood sugar!

Stick to the above list of fat burning foods religiously and don't starve your self, and you should see great results! But wait, there is more to learn about fast weight loss.

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