
The 3 Best Ways to Get Big Muscles

Muscle builders, weightlifters, athletes, average individuals - all of them want to get big muscles although in varying degrees and in varying ways. Regardless of your goals to get big muscles, however, proper nutrition, proper compound exercises and proper rest are the best ways to do so. Don't disregard any one of these ways to achieve big muscles though as each one complements the other two.


First, you must focus on proper nutrition. This is for two reasons: One, you need energy to perform muscle building exercises for sustained periods of time, of which your diet will provide the fuel to do so. Second, your body needs proper nutrients since exercise alone will not do the trick.

Thus, you have to assess your protein, carbohydrate, fat and water consumption as well as consider taking bodybuilding supplements that allow for faster muscle building rates. For protein, eat more red meat and fish as well as drink more protein supplements since protein is the building block of the diet-related ways to achieve big muscles. For carbohydrates, immediately consume carbohydrate-rich foods after an intensive muscle workout. For fats, you have to stick to healthy unsaturated fats. And drink lots of water while you are at it.

Plus, you have to take muscle building supplements like creatine and glutamine. You will definitely gain muscle mass at a faster rate especially when combined with exercises and rest periods! (Ever wonder why bodybuilders seem to achieve big muscles faster than you do? Well you have your answer)

Second, you have to perform more compound workouts and less isolated exercises. If you continue with isolation exercises that focus on smaller muscle areas, you will also get smaller results!

There are two benefits to compound exercises. One, you burn more calories because of the greater demands made on your body. Two, you get an overall body workout since many muscle groups are involved. Basically, you get bigger muscles faster and you become stronger, too.

Compound exercises include military press and Arnold press for the shoulders, twisting dumbbell curl and close-grip pushup for the arms, squat and deadlift for the legs, row and chin-up for the back, and bench press and dips for the chest. To get bigger muscles faster, however, the deadlift and the squat are considered the biggest parts of muscle building so you can focus more on them in your workouts.

Third, be sure to get your rest and sleep! To get those big muscles, you must allow your muscles to recover from the stress and fatigue inflicted on them when you perform compound exercises. In fact, if your workout sessions are intense, you only need to work out 1-2 times a week! Overdoing it will increase your cortisol levels, which will counteract your efforts.

In conclusion, to get big muscles quickly and safely, you must adhere to the appropriate diet to feed your muscles, appropriate exercise to make them grow and appropriate rest to give them time to recover. Plus, it does help to vary your workout routine so that you don't get bored with it! You will soon find that the ways to get big muscles can be fun, too!

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