
Build Muscle and Burn Fat - How to Pack on 10 Pounds of Muscle and Lose 10 Pounds of Fat

The most effective way to have a stunning total body transformation is to not worry about what the number on the scale says. A total physique change in the mirror can occur by maintaining the exact same weight but changing the composition of your body. If you build muscle and burn fat at the same time the results in the mirror are much more dramatic due to the waist to chest and shoulder ratio creating the illusion of massive size.

Build Muscle

It can be tough to simultaneously build muscle and burn fat because typically the best results occur when you are focused on either gaining muscle or losing fat rather than both at the same time. The best solution I have seen is how Chad Waterbury incorporates his latest techniques into the 10 10 Transformation. It is a program designed to pack on 10 pounds of muscle while losing 10 pounds of fat.

Chad realizes that it is not as efficient to focus on both muscle building and fat loss at once so he brilliantly breaks the program down into 4 phases of 3 weeks each. Each 3 week phase is laser targeted to accomplish a single goal. That goal is either losing 5 pounds of fat, or gaining 5 pounds of muscle. With this super targeted plan and goal that is clearly laid out it makes it easy to accomplish the transformation.

The 10 10 Transformation is all about doing the most effective exercises and not wasting time on movements that don't get the job done. Deadlifts, variations of the squat, chins, dips, standing presses, and doing many of these in circuit and trisets keep the pace and intensity at high levels enabling natural testosterone and growth hormones levels to remain high.

This is a 12 week system that never gets boring because every 3 weeks you switch to a new workout so the body never reaches a full point of adaptation and you will see results from week to week. The most amazing thing I found is that I gained muscle during the first 3 week fat loss phase. One of the fat loss workouts is doing 3 sets of 10 with deadlifts, dips, and chins. This is a giant circuit using heavy weights so you will increase strength levels while burning fat.

The muscle building phases rely on high frequency training which pushes each muscle with 5 workouts each week working each muscle. It's amazing how quickly you can gain muscle when you go from working each muscle only once or twice a week to 5 times per week! This can only be done for 2 ½ weeks though and then requires 4 days of rest before moving into the next phase. The Waterbury 10 10 knows exactly the recovery limitations of the human body so that you can push right to the edge and then back off and let the muscles grow.

The simplicity of this system is what makes it so effective and is probably one of the least expensive on the market today. For less than a 2 pound can of whey protein you can own a program that truly transforms the body adding muscle faster and burning stubborn fat around the waist.

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