
Weight Loss Success Story - 7 Tips

Weight loss is a huge task to undertake, especially when you don't know where to begin. Follow these seven tips below to ensure that you become a weight loss success story!
success story

Know Your Goal

Knowing you want to lose weight is the easy part; knowing exactly how much you want to lose and by what date is what will get you going! You can't start on your weight loss journey if you don't have an end goal in sight. Even if you're not sure exactly what weight you want to end up, choosing a goal weight will get you on your way. Once you hit your goal weight, you can re access your situation and choose another lower weight if needed.

Keep Your Motivation High

Ask most people why they didn't succeed on the diets they tried, and they will tell you that the first few weeks were great, and then they fell off the wagon. Why is there such a high failure rate? Most diets are designed to help you lose one or two pounds a week. While this is a healthy way to lose the extra pounds, after a few weeks, you may not notice much of a difference in your body.

During this time, the best way to keep your motivation high is to have a clear mental image in your mind of exactly how you want to look when you reach your goal weight. For even more success with this method, picture exactly what you'll look like, what you'll wear, what people will say to you, and how you'll feel. Every time you feel your motivation waver, bring up this mental image to keep you going strong, and you'll become a weight loss success story in no time!

Plan Out Your Days

The most successful dieters have one thing in common: they don't let their days happen by chance. For the best opportunity at weight loss success, plan out your days in advance. Know what your meals will be, how much you'll eat, and what to do in an emergency eating out situation. Not being prepared for the day is the first step in falling off track.

Keep Moving

Even if you're eating habits aren't perfect, you can still lose a lot of weight by being active. Those who plan mini activities in their days keep their metabolisms high and burn a lot more calories than a sedentary person. Even if you're just going for a ten minute walk, that is a perfect way to get moving!

Drink Your Water

Your body is made of water, and most functions performed by your body's cells require water. Obviously, it is necessary to get your water in for the day! It is recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water. Make it a habit to keep bottled water with you at all times, and you'll never fail to get in your recommended water intake.

Never Forget Where You Came From

After you've reached your goal weight, you may be tempted to throw out everything that reminds you of your "fatter" days. While it's a good idea to focus on your "skinnier" future, keeping one piece of clothing that reminds you of why you wanted to lose the weight may help to keep you from reverting to old habits. Some people keep a picture in their wallet to pull out whenever they are feeling discouraged. Whatever reminds you of where you came from will keep you more focused on where you are!

Celebrate Your Success

You don't have to wait until your at goal weight to celebrate your weight loss success! Break up your main goal into mini goals, and plan mini celebrations to commemorate meeting those goals. Plan a manicure, a pedicure, get your hair done, or buy one piece of smaller clothing. All of your small successes will lead you to being your own weight loss success story!

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