
Want to Lose Weight Quickly? Tips to Lose 7 Pounds in a Day Naturally

You are barely into the first week of the new year after declaring your new year resolution of losing weight, but now you are already getting disappointed and bored because you are not getting any results. Worst still, you may be even gaining weight because of the recent celebrations that have tempted you to feast without control.
lose weight quickly

If you really want to lose weight quickly, you are in the right place as I will be showing some easy ways of losing as much as 7 pounds in a day. Don't worry, this is perfectly safe and healthy as you will no longer need to eat anymore pills that does not work. The tips described below are all natural ways and you can get started immediately after reading this article.

Contrary to the popular belief that you need to starve yourself by eating less in order to lose some weight, but in reality, you should eat more to lose weight. If you have tried starving yourself before, you know that this is not sustainable simply because you are always feeling hungry and could even get into gastric problems. Now you have heard of skinny people eat as much as they want without ever feeling hungry and yet not overweight.

The secret to this is that they eat more meals than a normal person do. Instead of the 3 meals that you normally take, these skinny people take 6 meals a day. The trick is that they eat a small portion in each of these 6 meals so they are just full and never overeat. That's why they always say they eat a lot but never become overweight.

You know that exercise is important and needed for you to lose weight. You may have even tried to do it before but give up because you are too tired after work and the moment you reach home, you reach for the bed. Or you may have tried exercising for a few days but was disappointed because you don't see any weight loss, got demoralized and stopped exercising altogether.

While I agree that exercise is necessary to help you lose weight quickly, but it need not be a boring and difficult task. It can be a fun and convenient way to exercise. How about doing exercises while working and on the journey back home? Whenever possible, use the stairs instead of the lift to reach your office and home. When taking public transport, always alight a few stops earlier so that you can walk a few miles home to burn off some calories.

Always start from small, when you feel more and more comfortable, then you can gradually increase the number of stairs to climb or the distance to walk home. I have tried this myself and it works faithfully  for me over the past years.

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