
Using Frozen Foods for Weight Loss


Many frozen dinner options are available at your local supermarket, but they are not all created equally. When considering a diet, consider key ingredients and nutrition information in the frozen meals. First, look at the total calorie composition of the meal. Often the meals will list the calories of a serving size, which may be only half of the dinner. Find dinners that have total calorie compositions of 375 or less to support consistent weight loss. Next, look at the ingredients, to verify the additives that may curb results, from high fructose corn syrup to trans fats, suggests research from Princeton University. These factors play a role in successful fat loss.
frozen food


Frozen foods from your supermarket that have 15 to 20 grams of lean protein per serving are a great option for meal planning support, as long as the sugars are below 20 grams. Also, look for high fiber content in the label listing. Fiber is a bulking agent that can't be absorbed by the body, pushes food through the body in a timely manner, and supports many other functions of the body that relate to health, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.


Look for easily available products that are designed to be low calorie, balanced and healthy. Low calorie brands include Lean Cuisine, Kashi, Healthy Choice and Gardenburger. These brands have a wide selection of frozen foods under 400 calories, under 8 grams of fat per serving, under 600 milligrams of sodium and anywhere from 5 to 8 grams of fiber per serving.


The benefits of a prepared, frozen dinner or food item is the convenience. Meal planning can be difficult with today's busy lifestyles. Using healthy frozen grocery store foods is an easy and healthy way to supplement your diet. In addition to convenience, these foods are edified with vitamins and minerals in combination with the already balanced macro nutrient profile of the food, to support healthy weight loss.


Always remember that balance is a key factor when considering healthy weight loss. Although frozen food items are convenient and healthy, eating whole, seasonal, raw plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds, is very important to providing your body with the nutrients it needs to sustain weight loss, suggests Cristopher Gian-Cursio's, creator of the Natural Hygiene Diet. Use frozen foods as one tool to support weight loss, in combination with easy to enjoy, healthy snacks like fruits, nuts and seeds.

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