
Useful Tips On The Grapefruit Breakfast Diet

A lot of us have heard about the Grapefruit Diet or Hollywood Diet. In point of fact, these are two of the various names for the same diet. This diet is based on the principle that grapefruits hold enzymes that burn fat and accelerate weight loss. The diet assures the quick burning of fat and cleansing of the digestive tract. Read on to learn more about the grapefruit Breakfast Diet and what you can expect.
Breakfast Diet

Before you Start Grapefruit Diet

Before you get into the Grapefruit Breakfast Diet, you should know that you will have to stick to the diet for twelve days and then eat as usually would for two days before going back to the program. Note that the Grapefruit Diet is not backed by scientific research. It is a fad diet, and we all know that fad diets eventually cause a decline in metabolism rates and can have a say in future weight gain. You must also remember that the grapefruit diet plan isn't something that relates to a high protein diet please be acquainted with the diet before deciding to go for it.

Grapefruit Diet Breakfast

Using your grapefruit diet menu means starting with breakfast. You will need to start off by drinking pure grapefruit juice without sweetening or eating half a fresh grapefruit. Next, you should prepare yourself two eggs cooked without any oil, cheese or butter, and two slices of bacon. Keep your (unsweetened) coffee or tea consumption to no more than one cup, you may finish your breakfast with a cup of water.

Grapefruit Diet Lunch

For your Lunch, consume one half of a fresh grapefruit or drink eight ounces of grapefruit juice again without sweetening. Drink no more than eight ounces of coffee and ensure you drink eight ounces of water with your meal. You can consume any type of meat you like here and eat as many servings as you wish. You may also cook the meat by any means or method that you like. Eat this along with a salad made with vegetables of your choice avoiding any white ones or sweet potatoes. You may also go for a serving size of your own choice.

Grapefruit Diet Dinner 

To bring the day's eating to a close your dinner should consist of fresh grapefruit or drinking another eight ounces of grapefruit juice without sweetening. It is better to keep your coffee consumption under the eight ounces here along with eight ounces of water. You can eat fish or meat prepared to your liking and you are allowed to eat as many servings of meat and vegetables as you want during dinner. You can use as much butter or other seasonings for flavouring the vegetables. However, see that you still avoid those white vegetables and sweet potatoes. Finally before going to bed you need to drink eight ounces of tomato juice or eight skimmed milk.

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