
Top 3 Good Fat Burning Foods You Should Include in Your Daily Diet

You will be surprised to know that many people with regular body weight are also looking for weight loss programs because they believe that they need to burn some fat. It sounds crazy but people would pursue the newest weight loss or latest fat burning system, then once they discover that information, they would not act upon it but rather sleep on it. Losing weight is certainly not going to happen by simply sleeping over it.
fat burning foods

Sleeping will get you nowhere, but doing something on your diet will. Doing something does not mean hunting for the best weight loss program or fad diets. Doing something refers to changing your way of life. It simply means, you need to stop eating bad foods and stick to good foods.

What are bad foods?

Bad foods contain bad carbohydrates and bad fats. Examples of these are your favorite chips, cakes, cookies, candies, colas, sodas, biscuits, beer, alcohol, pizzas, white bread, packaged fruit juice, burgers, white bread, white pasta, fast foods and more. They are also labeled as bad foods because in one way or another they have:

a) High calorie content
b) Low on nutritional value
c) Rich in saturated fats  or bad fats
d) Rich in simple carbohydrates or bad carbohydrates

What are good foods?

The good foods are usually fat burning foods. These foods are normally loaded with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, iron, zinc, protein and more. They also contain complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats. Good foods are low in calories. Overall, our body should be nourished with a healthy diet, this means we need to eat the following top 3 good fat burning foods daily:

a) Foods Rich in Protein - Protein builds more muscles in our body. We learned that muscles burn fat. The following foods are known to be rich in protein: lean chicken meat, eggs, soy milk, cheese, yogurt and more. However, always remember that you need to cook those protein-rich meat by either steaming or roasting them. Frying in fatty oil will only make you gain fat. You also have the option to take protein shakes and protein supplements.

b) Foods with Unsaturated Fats: Unsaturated fats are good fats that you need in your body. It gives you good nutrients and is not bad to your heart. It won't make you gain more weight. The types of foods that are rich in unsaturated fats are:  fishes, especially those that are oily, and some nuts. There are also fish oil supplements that most people take in addition to those foods. But you have to check if the fish oil supplement you are taking does not contain toxic elements.

c) Foods with Complex Carbohydrates: Unlike foods with simple carbohydrates, foods rich in complex carbohydrates are processed much longer by our digestive system that it certainly helps in losing weight.  You can get complex carbohydrates from these foods: whole grains, chicken, sea foods, tuna fishes, natural fruits and vegetables.

The key to losing weight is not to reduce the amount of foods that you are eating everyday but rather to avoid bad foods. Eat good fat burning foods that are beneficial to your body and you will surely lose weight in a healthy way.

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