
Ten Best Foods for Weight Loss

What are the best foods for weight loss Whenever any one asks me what foods are best for weight loss I try not to make the list too long or too complicated. Here are a few thing I suggest you try but you can extend this list quite a lot once you realise what to look for in a healthy diet, with a brief reason for each.
best foods for weight loss

1) Raw fruit and veg. These are relatively low in calories, high in vitamins (some of which can be lost during cooking) and fibre. All essential to keep a healthy digestion and metabolism. Apples are particularly good. If used as a snack they can put off hunger pangs very well.

2) Raw nuts and seeds. Great for fibre, protein and healthy oils and fats. Relatively low in calories. For cooked seeds or grain then popcorn cooked without butter or oil or sugar is very filling yet 4 cups contains only 81 calories.

3) Pulses such as peas beans and particularly lentils are good. High in fibre, protein and low in fats and relatively low in calories.

4) Avocados are filling and although high in oil content is healthy oil.

5) Olive oil is the same. Used as a salad dressing it makes the food more filling and is a good healthy oil

6) Eggs are filling too and relatively high in calcium. A diet that includes eggs usually results in people eating less during the day

7) Salads. For much the same reason as the raw fruit and veg and I think are one of the best foods for weight loss.

8) Potatoes. It is what we tend to add to potatoes that does the damage. They are by themselves relatively low in calories but filling, and the skin is high in fibre.

9) Dairy products. High in calcium and the low fat varieties are just that. Cottage cheese is a real winner in this category. High in calcium, protein but can be low in fat. It is very versatile and the addition of other ingredients such as nuts or fruit can add great variety to it.

10) Water. Alright this is not strictly food but drinking enough water during the day tends to suppress hunger as many people mistake thirst for hunger. If you find this a little dull then you can try low calorie fruit juices or perhaps coconut walker.

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