
Snack Your Way to Weight Loss

Are you fond of snacking a lot? This could be good or bad but finally there is a way to lose weight and still be able to snack! This may sound like a commercial from those fad dieting systems but it is actually true. Picking a diet where you can have a few snacks is great. Even if you don't pick one like that there are still great snacks (fruits and vegetables, for example) that fill you up, give you nutrients, and don't contain any fat.

We are all busy and to keep our hunger pangs away we often times snack. Unfortunately, a lot of the times people make the decisions to snack on high in fat chips or candies. There are even people that snack on what could be considered actual meals! This really doesn't help with weight loss. However, finding tasty low fat snacks will definitely help! These nutritious snacks will fill your tummy with healthy, non fat foods and help you to be more efficient through out the day.

One example of being able to have healthy snacks is having delicious vegetables or fruits with dips that are not high in fat. For example, if you want to have some carrots or broccoli as a snack use some light ranch dressing to go with it. This will help give you some energy to get through the rest of the day. Make sure you shake things up a bit by having different healthy snacks so you don't get too bored.

Fruits and vegetables make it so much easier to have snacks and not gain weight. That isn't all, though. Consider having a nice yogurt. In fact, it is not only low in fat but it will give you much needed calcium. Yogurt also has bacteria that is good for your body. It will help prevent stomach issues and can even help prevent urinary tract infections! Have a hankering for something crunchy? Throw in some cereal or crunchy granola in and it will make snack time even better.

A really packed with vitamins snack is olives. There are even a lot of antioxidants. The cool thing is you could eat practically as many as you want. You can do a lot of things with olives to make them less boring by soaking them in herbs and lemon juice. Sure, most people like them the way they are but that is a good way to shake the boring olive up!

With so many low fat snacks out there, there is really no excuse to go out there and get high in fat snacks. They have even made some serious advances in making rice cakes taste amazing. Did you know that beef jerky is even low in fat? Who doesn't like beef jerky? Keep in mind that all you really need is a good boost in energy and try to curb your appetite. If you have good, healthy snacks then you don't have to worry about dealing with not losing weight.

Finally, try to avoid sodas and unpure juices. Soda tends to bloat and put on weight. Juice that is 100% fruit juice will be more beneficial if you need something sweet.

Article Source:,_M.D.


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