
Building Bulk Muscle - 3 Tips For Building Bulk Muscle

Most of the current bodybuilding advice and tips out there simply don't work. However this article reveals 3 tips, from a genuine muscle building expert, for building bulk muscle safely, quickly and effectively. If you listen and use these ideas then you will start to get good results in no time.
build muscle

Ok, let's get started building muscle

1. The best way to build big muscles is to do the big "bad-boy" muscle building exercises. These two exercises, if done correctly, will build more muscle mass in your body than any other technique. In fact bodybuilders all over the planet swear by these techniques because of the amazing results that they generate. The squat and the dead lift. These two exercises really work because they put a lot of good strain on the main muscle groups allowing for exponential growth.

2. Building bulk muscle can actually be achieved better by spending less time at the gym. (Yes you read that correctly!). A lot of people spend far too much time at the gym just lounging around and not working at a level that they could be. Instead lift your intensity and do more in a shorter period of time. This can be achieved by hustling between exercises, keeping your rest periods honest and working out like a "barbarian".

3. The final aspect of building bulk muscle is to make sure that you are eating a good diet and using the right supplements. You want to eat about 6 meals per day consisting of 45% carbs, 35% proteins and 20% fats. Furthermore well known supplements like protein shakes, powdered creatine and multi vitamins are a great boost for the body.

Ok, so now you are aware of 3 great tips for building bulk muscle. It is now up to you to apply them and build the kind of body that you really want. This is just the beginning.

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