
Lower Cholesterol Naturally - The 5 Best Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Yes, you do need to know how to lower cholesterol naturally. While a high cholesterol level might cause heart disease, the prescription drugs cause their own problems.
lower cholesterol naturally

Both can be deadly, so it's worth knowing foods that lower cholesterol, to reduce or eliminate the sometimes life-threatening side effects from statin drugs! And I speak from experience in this respect; I've seen what the side effects of statin drugs can do to people, and it isn't pretty.

Let's learn the 5 best foods that lower cholesterol naturally.

#1: Oats and Oat Bran

Topping the list is oats and oat bran. I'm sure you've seen the Cheerios and Quaker Oats commercials, about how they lower cholesterol.

They do! Although as with any foods, the less processing, the better. So lightly processed oatmeal wins out over a more-processed breakfast cereal.

#2: Walnuts

Walnuts are the winners in the nut category, because of its levels of omega 3 as well as other polyunsaturated fatty acids. Just remember; a handful of nuts a day is all you need, because they are high in calories.

#3: Fish Oil and Omega 3s

Our next cholesterol-fighting food is the fish oil / omega 3 fatty acids. They are high in antioxidants and have the added benefit of reducing high blood pressure as well.

If you can't tolerate fish oils, add flaxseed oil to your diet -- very high in omega 3s.

#4: Olive Oil

A staple in many people's diets, olive oil is chock-full of antioxidants. It also helps to lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol and keep your good (HDL) cholesterol up. And even though it's more expensive and has a more robust taste, extra-virgin olive oil has the highest of cholesterol-fighting ability.

#5: Green Tea

Surprise! Green tea is another one in the antioxidant lineup. It has polyphenols that are great for heart health, and which help to block cholesterol absorption.

Don't like the taste? There are supplements in capsule form available.

Try to Lower Cholesterol Naturally First, Not Last!

I mentioned before that I have seen what statin drugs that lower cholesterol can do to people, in terms of side effects. Trust me on this; unless all other natural measures have failed, or you have through-the-roof readings right now, you don't want to be on these drugs (or at least on them very long).

What the Doctors Don't Tell You

I have a friend with high cholesterol who is on a prescription drug. I urged her to talk to her physician about taking niacin, so that she could cut down on her prescription dosage.

The doctor hemmed and hawed, but agreed that niacin most likely would help to both lower cholesterol and ultimately reduce the prescription dosage.

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