
Lose Weight on a Calorie Loss Diet and Still Enjoy a Sandwich

Following a calories loss menu will not see you eating endless slices of bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner but you do need to include some grains in your diet and a sandwich for lunch is a healthy way to eat to lose weight. Keep basic breads and grains around to use as snacks or for sandwiches and low calorie meals. Eaten in limited portions, they will provide your body with the energy it needs and still accommodate your weight loss plan.
Lose Weight

Add whole grain, low fat cereal to your bowl of yogurt at breakfast so that you eat the necessary fiber that your body needs. This is a quick and healthy meal that has less than 300 calories when you use whole-grain, reduced sugar and bran cereals. You do not need to buy special low calorie bread as most whole grain bread has under100 calories per slice. Just remember, if you are aiming for calories loss, a serving is one slice, not two.

A delicious meal for lunch or dinner can include brown rice and steamed vegetables. Frozen vegetables are delicious and easy to prepare so throw some of these and instant brown rice into a steamer, cook some chicken breasts and twenty minutes later you have a meal. Whole wheat pitas can be used with a meal, with a snack, and if you stuff some hummus and salad into one, call it lunch. Bake one and cut it into pieces for some crunchy chips as they have less than 200 calories and endless possibilities.

To vary your European yogurt and cereal breakfast, enjoy a bowl of oatmeal instead during the cooler months. It is a great filling food and has lots of fiber that will help you feel full throughout the day. At lunch or dinner, eat pasta sparingly, and look for whole grain pasta, but do keep some around for a quick meal. Remember to eat more of an accompanying salad than pasta when you want the benefits of calories loss.

An alternative to fatty, salty potato chips can be whole grain crackers with a small piece of cheese or even some low fat cottage cheese. Crunchy and filling with hardly any calories, rice cakes are the classic diet food. Add a tablespoon of peanut butter on top for some taste and protein.

Remember that the diary foods you include in your calories loss diet do have shelf life so they need to be kept in your refrigerator. Include in your collection, low calorie margarine, 2% milk, the best to keep on hand and low calorie cheese that can add plenty of flavor to meals and yogurt. Yogurts and string cheese are tasty, portable, healthy snacks and ensure a far greater calories loss than chips or milkshakes.

One of the best diary products to include on a calories loss menu is yogurt. Individually portioned and low in calories, it is sweet, a great source of calcium and the perfect size for a snack usually containing less than 200 calories. When the grocery store has a sale on yogurt stock up.

The best kinds of foods that can be kept over a long period of time are frozen foods. These can include breads and dairy foods. They are easily stored in your freezer and should be included in your calories loss menu. You can never have too many frozen vegetables and frozen fruit in its own juice is great for a snack or in smoothies. Frozen yogurt is a healthy alternative to ice cream. Most frozen diet meals contain less than 300 calories and are wonderful to keep at work so that you always have a fast, easy, lunch or even dinner option that will contribute to your weight loss.

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