
How to Lose Belly Fat in 2 Weeks

If you want to lose belly fat in 2 weeks you need to do a couple of things: know how to do things right and start today. Don't fall into the trap of paralysis by analysis and try to get the most information you can while doing nothing. On the other hand, don't go through this process blind. The tips in this article will help.
lose belly fat

Losing belly fat is simple but it's also tricky because you can't just lose belly fat, you actually need to lose body fat. The reason is that you can't spot reduce fat from a specific part of your body whether it's your abs, thighs, arms, or what have you. So, doing sit-ups won't burn belly fat. Your body just doesn't work that way.

To lose belly fat in 2 weeks you need to begin doing fat burning workouts and eating right.


Fat burning workouts are usually made of intensive cardio exercises (I like running, outdoor cycling, and rowing) and full body strength exercises. This is where a lot people, especially women, tend to freak out. You may want to lose fat but not to bulk up. The good news is that you don't have to. You can and must gain lean muscle tissue which will help you to burn more fat. You can do so without bulking up. If you want to get the best results that you can in 2 weeks, you need to do strength workouts.

Since you can't burn belly fat specifically, it will be better to just workout the entire body doing the hardest exercises regardless of which muscle groups they focus on. In fact, do exercises which involve long movements and more than one muscle group for the best results.


What you put in your mouth has a direct bearing on how fast you lose your stomach fat. That's the way the fat got there to begin with. If you want to burn belly fat fast, you need to avoid eating processed food, fast food, dishes with trans-fat and processed sugar, edible chemicals, preservatives, and so on. Turn instead to lean protein (like chicken, turkey, tuna), fruit and veggies, complex carbs (whole wheat bread, flax seeds, nuts and almonds).

Also, don't drink your calories through alcohol and pre-made juices. Eat and drink fresh and you will see and feel results.

2 Weeks isn't a lot of time, so you may not have perfect abs until then, but you can achieve excellent results in that time. Just begin the process today.

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