
Is Skipping Breakfast Good Or Bad For Weight Loss?

When it comes to weight loss, many ideas come to mind. One seemingly good idea is skipping breakfast. After all, omitting this meal is the same as cutting 600 calories out of the diet, right? Many try this strategy every day. However, it can be a huge roadblock to your success. So before you take this strategy, please consider the importance of having a good breakfast and how it relates to successful weight control.

First, eating breakfast helps keep you from snacking. When you skip the first meal, you begin the day hungry. Then, whenever you see food you want to cave in to every temptation that comes your way. The next thing you know, you have eaten more calories than you have ever realized. Breakfast is literally a breaking of your fast. It will curb your appetite for several hours.

Second, eating breakfast gives you energy for the rest of the day. Don't forget: you spent 7 to 8 hours sleeping. While asleep, your body was fasting. A healthy meal in the morning will replenish your energy stores and help you to feel alive and alert.

Third, eating breakfast gives you a mood boost. Starting your day hungry makes you feel tired and cranky. If you eat a nice big bowl of oatmeal with fruit, you will start off in the right mood. People who eat a healthy breakfast have a better day.

Next, eating breakfast is a great way to get much of the fiber you need for the day. Choose cereals with at least 4 g of fiber per serving. My favorite cereal is rolled oats with a little brown sugar blend and fat-free butter spray. Also, fruit is full of fiber. Start your day with an orange or an apple.

Finally, eating breakfast is the best way to start healthy. Choosing the right foods at the beginning of the day sets the tone for the rest of the day. When one starts making the right choices, he begins to think, "now that I began making the right choices, I don't want to blow it."

Remember that weight loss is more than just cutting calories. It must be done in the right way. Skipping breakfast may seem like a great way to cut calories, but it can crash your weight-loss efforts. Your body needs a jumpstart every single morning. Choose healthy breakfast foods, and feel the difference in the amount of energy you will have for the rest of the morning.

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