
Intermittent Fasting - The Weight Loss Industries Big Secret!

Intermittent fasting is one of the best ways in my experience for cutting your caloric intake, resulting in weight loss and better health. If you have never heard of intermittent fasting, I am not surprised. I will go over briefly what it is and why it gets little attention from the diet and weight loss industry.
fasting weight loss

Intermittent fasting is the practice of willingly not eating for a specific and planned period of time. This type of fasting is used to cut your calories without being on a strict diet for prolonged periods of time. The problem with most diets is that they take an incredible amount of will power to stick with them. Most people don't last more than a week or two and quickly gain back any weight that they have lost, and usually a few pounds more. A common approach is to not eat after dinner on one day until the following days dinner.

Example: Eat the way that you normally would on Monday and then after dinner, you don't eat anything else until dinner time on Tuesday. You continue to eat normally after eating dinner on Tuesday, until Thursday after dinner, which you will again fast until dinner time on Friday. This way you will still eat everyday while cutting your calories by around 15% for the week. As long as you eat normally the rest of the time and don't eat a bunch of food in between your fasting, you will lose weight from the decrease in calories. Weight loss simply comes down to burning more calories than you are taking in, and fasting provides an easy way to do this.

Fasting does not depend on the use of any type of food, diet pill, or health supplement for it to work. As Brad Pilon, the creator of the Eat-Stop-Eat method of fasting says, "You can't put fasting in to a pill and sell it." You can do it on your own, without spending any money each month on the food or supplement companies' products. This entire industry does not make money with fasting. Why would they do research and spend money on something that shows a benefit to not eating their products? They won't and this is why you very rarely hear about intermittent fasting. To the food companies, we are only consumers, and they only make money whenever we consume! It's supply and demand and without the demand, there are no profits to be made.

In my mind, intermittent fasting is an incredible way to lose fat and get in incredible shape. One of the biggest problems with fasting for weight loss is the incredible misinformation from so called experts, especially on the internet in forums or blogs. The problem with reading information on-line is that everyone is seen as an expert; no matter how little they really know. I have read that fasting will cause your metabolism to quickly slow down, that you will only lose water weight, or that you will lose muscle. In my own experience and many others that have tried intermittent fasting, none of this has happened. In fact, the exact opposite has happened and I have had incredible results in losing fat while maintaining muscle.

As with anything in life, I suggest that you do your own research and try it out yourself. Don't take my word for it without seeing how your body responds; I think that you will be incredibly pleased with the results. Of course before trying any new weight loss or exercise routine, you should always consult with your doctor first.

No matter what body style or how much weight that you need to lose, weight loss all comes down to three simple steps. The fitness and dieting industry try to make it more difficult that it really is so they can sell you the diet of the week or the newest magic pill that never works!

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