
How To Build Muscle and Lose Weight Fast!

The truth about most diets is that they all eventually come to an end. If you are tired of crash diets and currently trying to figure out how to build muscle and lose weight that stays gone, it's important to start by re-training yourself how to eat properly. Just a few small changes in your in daily eating habits can make a huge difference when you are trying to shed off those last few stubborn pounds to reveal those muscles you have been working so hard on.
build muscle

Your environment, lifestyle, and eating habits all contribute to your overall health and results that you will see in the mirror. The most important factor in losing and/or maintaining a healthy weight and building lean muscles is being physically active and developing good eating habits. Get out of your normal routine when you go grocery shopping or when you are standing in the kitchen deciding what to make for dinner. Make it a priority to begin eating a variety of nutritious foods from all of the food groups. Choose whole grain foods that are high in fiber, limit your saturated fat intake, and choose low fat dairy products in place of what you currently consume. Get in the habit of reading nutrition labels and ingredients and take control of what you are putting into your body.

In addition to changing your eating habits, you need to decide on a workout routine that is focused on reaching your weight loss and muscle growth goals. Start lifting weights with a simple set of dumbbells or just begin with some simple exercises using your own body weight, such as pushups and squats. Try not to go beyond a maximum of three times per week when you are just getting started because your muscles need rest periods between each workout to repair and grow. Once you get comfortable with a routine, try to alternate muscle groups each time so each group will have ample time to recover. For most beginners, the guidelines are between three sets of each weight and no more than 10 to 12 reps in a set. If you can easily do 12 reps, then you can go ahead and advance up to the next level.

If you notice a little bit of weight gain towards the beginning of your journey, do not let it get you down. Remember, you are building muscle as well as losing fat; so if the numbers move up a few points on the scale it could actually just be the result of your new muscle growth. It might be a good idea to avoid the scales for just a bit and focus only on measurements instead. This will avoid the urge to go on a starvation diet, which only slows your metabolism, if the numbers don't seem to be moving on your scale.

Water also plays a role in the processes that are essential in muscle formation. Water intake, continuous exercise, and healthy eating are the key essentials that will help you reach your muscle gain and weight loss goals and keep yourself there! Some people find it extremely helpful to participate with a weight loss buddy, or someone who is able to keep you focused and give you that extra kick you may need to keep going.

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