
Healthy Smoothies For Breakfast

Mornings are usually hectic especially when you have kids around. If you want healthier meals but do not have the luxury of time, you can prepare a healthy smoothie for breakfast instead of cooking a hot meal. You'll have a nutritious meal in a matter of minutes when you make a smoothie. It's also a great alternative to a bowl of cereal.
healthy smoothies for breakfast

Being the most important meal of the day, breakfast must include a balanced selection of cereals, proteins, fruits and vegetables. For most people, this is too much of a challenge. But anyone can find the time to make a healthy smoothie for breakfast.

Choosing Your Ingredients
To make a breakfast smoothie with the highest nutritional value, use the freshest ingredients whenever possible. Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables may not have as much vitamins and minerals as their fresh counterparts. Also, canned and frozen fruits may contain added sugar. Your local grocery store is possibly the best source of fresh produce. Be sure to wash the produce thoroughly to remove dirt and pesticides.

Your smoothie must contain carbohydrates for energy to jumpstart your metabolism. However, a healthy breakfast smoothie should also include protein. A high protein smoothie will provide longer lasting nutrition and energy. You will feel full longer.

Yogurt, protein powder and tofu are excellent sources of protein. You can also add a healthy dose of good fats by putting coconut oil in your smoothie. And thanks to fruits, your body will received a great amount of the daily recommended vitamins and minerals.

Bananas are fantastic for breakfast, as well as pineapple and strawberries. And as base, instead of water of milk, you can add orange juice, and still mantain high levels of vitamin C thanks to it.

Anyway, don't forget taste it, and think about all the nutrients your body is receiving.

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