
Delicious Fat-Blasting Smoothie in Less Than 2 Minutes!

The first thing you'll need is a simple $15 blender that you can buy new from a variety of places. After we have that we're going to take a simple stroll to the grocery store. I have one a block away from my place in New York. The ingredients in this shake can be interchanged with your favorite berries but I'm going to show you mine.
fat blasting

Buy one carton of 100% (NOT FROM CONCENTRATE) orange juice. What I've found is with the brands like Tropicana, it's best to go with "some pulp" to give the smoothie some texture. Grab a bunch of semi-ripe bananas and then one pack of frozen strawberries.

If you've ever gone to a Jamba juice or place like that this is how they're making your $5.00 smoothie! Now that I have this recipe that I'm sharing with you I'll save my money and make infinite smoothies for my tasting pleasure right at home.

After you get home measure out in the blender 8 ounces of orange juice. Then peel a banana and break it in half inside the blender. Grab 5 frozen strawberries varying from small, medium and large sizes and throw them in. You'll want to add 3 - 5 ice cubes in depending on how you like your smoothies. I usually add 5. Once you have all that in place turn on your blender to the smoothie option for about 45 seconds to one minute. There are plenty more fat burning tips that you can find here.

You'll notice within the first 10 seconds whether or not you have enough ice, or not enough juice. With the banana in the blender it makes this process much easier on the blade. You'll know when you have enough juice or not based on how the texture of the smoothie looks. After about one minute of blending everything together while shaking the blender... wa la! You have my favorite part of the day. Strawberry and banana smoothie which tastes great and leaves you feeling hydrated with enough calories to fuel a great weight lifting session.

I'm sure that you're enjoying your first smoothie that not only tastes great, but makes you feel incredible! Learn how to eat like a champion! There are over 60 custom meal plans [] that take less than 5 minutes to make. Isn't time you invested in yourself by learning how to eat so that you get the proper results from your exercising regiment? I know from personal experience that Mike's Geary's program has not only revolutionized the way I look and feel, but has been the foundation of a lifetime of health and wellness. Don't wait another day to take your life to the next level.

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