
Build Muscle Up - 3 Bulk Up Exercises to Build Muscle Fast

For skinny guys and "hardgainers" who struggle to build muscle up, there a usually a few things that they are doing wrong. Lack of attention paid to following a solid diet and nutrition is one of the big mistakes that most skinny guys make. Your fast metabolism creates an environment where you need high calorie intakes on a consistent and frequent basis in order to ensure that your muscles are able to develop and grow.
build muscle

However, even if you're getting the right nutrition for your body type, you can still be making mistakes when it comes to the time that you spend down at the gym...are you performing the right kind of exercises that will ensure maximum muscle growth in the shortest possible time?

Yep, that's right...not every exercise is created fact, many of the exercise routines you'll find in the bodybuilding magazines are not ideally suited to your "hardgainer" body type, and will probably have you doing high-rep exercises on individual muscle groups that don't give you the most bang for your buck.

Below, I'm going to show you 3 of the best exercises to build muscle up quickly for skinny guys. These are compound exercises that employ multiple muscle groups per rep, helping you to get your workout completed sooner and with better results, since you'll be able to lift heavier weights (more muscle = more power). So they are especially ideal for you if you struggle to build muscle up and don't have all day to spend down the gym (who does?!)

Barbell Deadlifts

These are a super exercise to help you to build muscle up quickly since you'll be able to lift heavy weights with these. Lifting heavy is one of the best ways to stimulate and build lean muscle mass so deadlifts are a great way to achieve this.

Deadlifts will target your hamstrings, lower back and core muscles, so aim to make these a part of your muscle building workouts two to three times per week.

Clean and Press

This is one of the best "all-body" exercises around to build muscle up. You'll be targeting the quads, hamstrings, core, shoulders, triceps, and biceps, which in turn will cause a huge hormonal response in the body, leading to faster and bigger muscle growth and strength.

Make the clean and press a core part of your training routine and you'll know that your working all the major muscle groups of your body in one exercise, helping you to shave a HUGE amount of time off your gym workout.

Barbell Bench Press

This golden oldie is a great one to help skinny guys build muscle up fast, and targets the chest, shoulders, triceps and biceps.

Aim for around 6 reps on this one to ensure that the weight level is heavy enough (any more reps than this and you'll know the weight is too light).

Mix things by inclining the bench too so that you can work the upper chest too (this is a major gripe among skinny guys who want to get a big barrel chest and rock hard pecs).

Also, try keeping your abs tight throughout the exercise...this will give your abs an extra little workout and gives some serious results.

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