
6 Easy Ways to Burn More Calories Throughout the Day!

In its simplest form weight loss for the average person is about calories in versus calories out! If you consume more calories then your body uses you will gain weight, conversely if you consume less calories than your body uses you will lose weight. Here are the facts; one pound equals 3,500 calories, in order to lose one pound in one week you need to eliminate 500 calories each day through either diet or exercise. When dieting, eating the proper amounts of macronutrients; fats, proteins and carbohydrates is essential as well consuming the proper number of calories. Eating to few calories can actually backfire causing your body to hold on to nutrients and not lose weight. Experts recommend that women consume no less than 1200 calories and men consume no less that 1500 calories per day.

When it comes to exercise the more you know the better the results. Always begin every exercise session with an easy warm up with activities such as; walking or easy jogging for at least 8 to 10 minutes and end each workout with a gentle cool down and stretch routine. Follow these exercise specifics for maximum calorie burn and weight loss. Perform 1 to 3 sets and 12 to 20 reps of each exercise, incorporate 2 to 3 full body strength training sessions per week on non consecutive days and include 30 minutes to 1 hour of cardio exercise 5 to 6 days per week. Keep in mind the more you can increase your physical activity throughout your day the more calories you will burn. It is easy to burn calories all day long by incorporating the following strategies:

1. Invest in a pedometer, aim for 10,000 steps or 5 miles everyday in normal living, excluding cardio exercise.

2. Always take the steps instead of the elevator; if you are strong enough, take 2 steps at a time and avoid holding on to the hand rail.

3. When running errands, map out the stores and walk everywhere within a mile radius.

4. Always park in the back of the parking lot.

5. Avoid drive throughs, park your car and walk inside.

6. Here's my favorite! Use TV commercials to burn calories! In an hour show there is approximately 12 minutes of commercial time. In a 2 hour program there is almost a half an hour. Instead of grabbing a snack, do this and you will add an extra 15 minutes or even a half hour of cardio to your day! Since commercials are usually 15 seconds or 30 seconds in duration, switch exercises every time the commercial changes! Rotate through the following exercises for maximum calorie burn during commercial breaks!

• Jumping Jacks
• Standard Crunches
• Jumping Jacks
• Push ups (make them easier by placing your hands on the sofa or a chair)
• Squats
• Jumping Jacks
• Standard Crunches
• Jumping Jacks
• Lunges

To make it a little less intense, instead of Jumping Jacks; march in place or if you have a step or stair case close by do Step Ups! Remember to always listen to you body and take a rest when ever you need it!

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