
5 Best Cardio Exercises to Lose Belly Fat and Get Flatter Abs

Choosing the right cardio exercises to lose belly fat in the fastest way possible can become something of a challenge. If you ask 5 people what their favorite cardiovascular workout is, you're likely to get 5 different answers. While enjoying yourself during your workout is very important to help you remain motivated on your goals, you need to choose the right workouts in order to maximize and accelerate your results.
cardio exercises

In this article, I want to share with you what I believe are 5 of the best cardio exercises to lose belly fat. Do these and you will see fast results. I'm sure of it.

1. Running - This is the ultimate classic workout and one that never fails to deliver results. Running is a total body cardio workout and an intensive one at that. It's no wonder that running to lose belly fat is so effective. It burns a ton of calories and pushes your body. By adding an up-hill running segment to your workout and a sprinting segment, you'll be able to truly boost the fat burning results you will get from your running.

2. Rowing - The reason why I love rowing is that it's a strength and cardio workout rolled into one. You're working your back muscles all the time when you're rowing so you can expect to tone and sculpt your back and biceps as well as to burn a ton of body fat in the process.

3. Swimming - There are a number of reasons why I love swimming:

- It challenges the body in an entirely different way than running or walking does (and other dry land workout).

- It works your entire body and it an awesome strength building activity (have you see how swimmers look?)

- It's a low impact sport so if you happen to have joint issues, swimming may be the sport for you to try out.

4. Kickboxing - This is an awesome cardio workout to lose belly fat. The movements are less repetetive than most workouts and they help you workout your muscles in new ways, the kind that traditional cardio just doesn't do. This is also an excellent social activity so you may find it a lot more motivating than other cardiovascular activities that tend to be performed on your own.

5. Jumping rope - The reason why I love this little workout is that it's easy to perform, does not require access to a gym, pool, or to sign up to a class. In addition, in just a few minutes of jumping, you're going to be feeling that you're straining like crazy. You can even do this at home if you have a porch or a big enough room. Try out some rope jumping. You'll be sweating like crazy in minutes.

Remember that to lose the most belly fat you should also do strength training and follow a healthy and sensible diet plan.

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