
The 2 Best Lower Back Strengthening Exercises

There are two excellent lower back strengthening exercises that you have to do if you want a strong back. While manual labor can build a strong back for those who do such work: Many of us spend our days attached to a computer screen, with a headset nearby fielding phone calls from customers and management. This type of sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on our back, making it weak and susceptible to injury. People who labor for a living can also benefit from strengthening their backs as well.
lower back

The 2 main exercises that you need to concentrate on are the dead-lift and lower back extensions:


The dead-lift is, hands down, the core exercise among other back strengthening exercises. It not only will give you a rock-solid lower back, but also strengthens the rest of your body. Olympic weight lifters, as well as almost all other athletes have the dead-lift in their training program, due to it's powerful effect on overall strength.

1.Stand with a weighted barbell at your feet and place your feet shoulder width apart.
2.Grab the barbell with an overhand grip, bend your knees slightly.
3.Next, with your back straight, shoulders back -- lift the weight up to your navel.

Lower Back Extensions

Lower back extensions are the second most important exercise among back strengthening exercises. The dead-lift is the core, mass-builder if you will -- whereas the lower back extension will get the blood pumping freely, while additionally adding strength to your back muscles. Most gyms have a machine set aside for this purpose, but you can also do them free-standing.

1.Stand with your legs and back straight.
2.Place your arms crossed over your chest.
3.Next, bend your torso at the hips and lower your upper body until its perpendicular to the floor.
4.Now raise your upper body up again, stopping to contract your back.

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