
Flax - Cancer Busting Super Seed

The cancer fighting abilities of the flax plant will soon eclipse its well-known use as source of industrial fiber and chemicals for cosmetics. Ironically the high level of dietary fiber in its seeds is just one of the many characteristics that makes it such an important cancer preventing food.

Flax Seed
However it is the abundance of lignan compounds that occur in flaxseeds that is the primary reason why all of us should be eating this wonder seed by the spoonful every day.

Lignans are a group of phytoestrogens - plant compounds that resemble human estrogen and have bioactive characteristics. The richest source of lignans are flax seeds (linseed) followed by sesame seeds and grains such as oats and wheat.

Breast cancer
Most of the research into the cancer-busting properties of flaxseed has been focused on its value as both a preventive and treatment agent for breast cancer. The majority of breast cancer types involve the stimulation of certain cancer cell receptors by the body's naturally produced estrogen. That is the reason why most women who are diagnosed with breast cancer are given the estrogen-inhibitor, Tamoxifen - a drug that works by blocking the effect of estrogen on the cancer cells.

Lignans work in a similar way to Tamoxifen by attaching themselves to the estrogen receptors on breast cancer cells - thereby blocking the cancer stimulating effects of this hormone.

However not all of flaxseed's anti-cancer properties can be attributed to lignans alone as there are a number of other substances in this plant that have strong anti-cancer and other health promoting credentials. One of the other ways in which flax seeds contain cancer is by inhibiting the growth and development of the blood supply to cancer cells - a process called angiogenesis.


Apart from its effect on breast cancer, attention has also been directed to flax's ability to fight one of our deadliest cancers - melanoma; where one study has shown its ability to inhibit the spread of this cancer in mice.

General health benefits

Flax seeds contain both high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber - both of which have been shown to promote a wide range of health benefits. Flax seeds are also amongst the richest source of beta-sitosterol, a plant fat that has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and protect against both cancer and HIV/AIDS.

If a drug had been developed that had the anti-cancer and other health benefits provided by flax seeds, it would be hailed as a miracle medicine and make the manufacturer a fortune. But, instead of buying an expensive drug, all we need to do is take a few spoonfuls of this super-seed each day.

The best way to obtain the benefits of flax seeds is to take them freshly ground after grinding them in a coffee grinder and storing them in the FREEZER, not the fridge. Whole flax seeds taken in this way are far better than flax seed oil as they contain both fiber and other beneficial compounds that do not occur in flax oil.


And the recommended dose of ground flaxseeds is four tablespoons daily with plenty of water or other fluids.

Together with culinary herbs and spices, the regular intake of flax seeds will do more than most foods to help prevent cancer and other diseases.

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