
Zumba Fitness Review and Try a New Exercise Class

If you are interested in Zumba then a Zumba fitness review can provide you all the information you would need about this popular new form of exercise. Zumba is basically a type of dance exercise where you will use dance steps form rock & roll, cumbia, meringue, mambo, salsa, belly dancing, calypso and the cha cha to help get fit and lose weight.

zumba classes
Zumba offers all levels of classes and much of these dance exercises will provide you better flexibility, strengthen your heart and improve your balance, much like doing yoga and aerobics. Once you start feeling the music you will soon forget you are exercising and just enjoy the dancing.

Some of the many benefits for the body and mind include better motor control, improved brain function, better bone density, great range of motion, enhanced self esteem, reduction of stress and much more. This is a great way to get out, meet some new people, exercise and enjoy yourself while you are doing it.

Zumba classes are scheduled to last for an hour and on average you can expect to burn about 500 calories depending on your size. This is the same as many other forms of exercise such as swimming, running or playing sports. Zumba is just as effective if not more so than many other forms of exercise and makes a great change up if you are in an exercise rut.

Zumba classes can be found all over but you should check at your local Y, fitness club or gym. Searching online can also be a good place to find a class as they might be held at a local community center or school. If you cannot find a class then enquire at the local gym. If enough people are interested then they may be able to set up a class.

If you want you can even become a Zumba instructor as it is not difficult. You will need to sign up for a certification class. These classes are offered as two options a one day or two day course. You do not have to pass a test but they will instruct you on how to lead a group in Zumba. You will need to renew your certification every year if you want to still be an instructor.

If you are getting tired with your regular exercise and want something that is new then try Zumba. The music is great, the exercises are fun and once you get into it you will not even realize you are working out.
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