Super foods are now becoming recognised worldwide for their
health benefits and the ability to help us lose weight. These natural
foods go beyond the 'common' variety as they are rich in phytochemicals
and antioxidants which slow down the ageing process and help your body
lose weight.
Here are the ten best foods for weight loss and why they provide everything you need for optimal health.
1. Blueberries
These yummy little berries are rich in antioxidants. Also full of flavonoids and proanthocyandins they help protect memory and cognition. A popular addition to any fat loss program, they taste great whipped up in a low fat smoothie, used in whole-wheat pancakes or muffins or just to add a new dimension to your fruit salad.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli has an abundance of health boosting properties. It contains isothiocyanantes which stimulates the body's production of cancer fighting enzymes. It has as much calcium as a glass of milk and more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, it is one of the richest sources of vitamin A in any fruit or vegetable. The only catch is you do need to eat it raw to benefit from all this goodness. If you cannot handle it raw, then just lightly steam before tossing through a salad or stirring through whole-wheat noodles.
3. Ginger
Used throughout history for medicinal purposes, ginger helps protect against cancer as well as boosting the immune system. It helps fight infection in our body, increases digestive enzyme activity and is one of the natural weight loss foods that speed up the metabolism and burn fat. Ginger is also a popular remedy for nausea, making it a safe natural choice for pregnant women. Sip hot ginger tea with a drizzle of honey, use in Asian stir fries and grate a little through healthy marinades and sauces.
4. Linseeds
Linseeds contain the essential omega 3 fatty acids which reduce cholesterol. Not only do they have anti cancer properties but they also can help manage menopausal symptoms. They are good for bowel health and soothe digestion. Just a tablespoon of linseeds a day will give you the omega 3 fats that you require. Sprinkle them over your cereal or stir through soups and casseroles. Linseeds should be stored in the fridge.
5. Oats
Containing large amount of soluble fibre, oats help lower cholesterol levels and improve bowel health. They have a low GI (glycaemic index) which means they make the perfect breakfast to supercharge your day. Oats are a popular recommendation in most weight loss programs.
6. Salmon
A fantastic source of omega 3 fats, protein and vitamin D. Healthy fat loss programs recommend eating salmon twice a week, as it reduces triglyceride levels. Any leftover calories that your body does not burn are turned into triglycerides, which are a type of fat. Poach or grill salmon, and serve with a leafy salad or steamed vegetables. Combine tinned salmon with mashed sweet potatoes to make healthy patties - kids also love them.
7. Soy
Soy protein contains antioxidant isoflavones which counteract the build up of cholesterol in blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attack and blood clots. It is also great for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Make sure you choose soy products that are not genetically modified. Use soy protein or tofu instead of burgers and chicken in recipes. Enjoy soy milk over your cereal or in tasty fruit smoothies.
8. Tea
Numerous studies have shown that the powerful antioxidant polyphenols in tea reduce the risk of cancers and also lower cholesterol levels. In addition, drinking tea helps lower the stress hormone cortisol. Green tea in particular has had much discussion regarding its weight loss benefits. Actually all teas contain polyphenols and therefore all have positive benefits. Ideally drink your tea without milk to receive the most benefit.
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes, which are low in calories, are a versatile health conscious ingredient for any weight loss program. Just add tomatoes to your pasta sauce to boost your antioxidant intake and to lower your risk of chronic diseases, particularly prostate cancer. They are rich in lycopene, which fights damaging free radicals and also high in vitamin C. There are so many exciting ways you incorporate tomatoes into your meals. Whether it be pureed into sauces, chopped through summer salads or thrown into a whole-wheat tortilla, this fabulous super food is a must.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is a favourite with many dieters. Not only does it's creamy texture help satisfy cravings, it is a great source of calcium, protein, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. What is more it contains probiotics which promote a healthy gut and protect the immune system. Use sugar free, low fat yogurt as a substitute for cream in sauces, curries, and desserts. It is fantastic as a 'quick snack' on the run and can be cooked in both savoury and sweet recipes.
Make sure you incorporate these ten best foods for weight loss into your weekly weight loss eating plan and enjoy the increased energy and unlimited health benefits.
Here are the ten best foods for weight loss and why they provide everything you need for optimal health.
1. Blueberries
These yummy little berries are rich in antioxidants. Also full of flavonoids and proanthocyandins they help protect memory and cognition. A popular addition to any fat loss program, they taste great whipped up in a low fat smoothie, used in whole-wheat pancakes or muffins or just to add a new dimension to your fruit salad.
2. Broccoli
Broccoli has an abundance of health boosting properties. It contains isothiocyanantes which stimulates the body's production of cancer fighting enzymes. It has as much calcium as a glass of milk and more vitamin C than an orange. In addition, it is one of the richest sources of vitamin A in any fruit or vegetable. The only catch is you do need to eat it raw to benefit from all this goodness. If you cannot handle it raw, then just lightly steam before tossing through a salad or stirring through whole-wheat noodles.
3. Ginger
Used throughout history for medicinal purposes, ginger helps protect against cancer as well as boosting the immune system. It helps fight infection in our body, increases digestive enzyme activity and is one of the natural weight loss foods that speed up the metabolism and burn fat. Ginger is also a popular remedy for nausea, making it a safe natural choice for pregnant women. Sip hot ginger tea with a drizzle of honey, use in Asian stir fries and grate a little through healthy marinades and sauces.
4. Linseeds
Linseeds contain the essential omega 3 fatty acids which reduce cholesterol. Not only do they have anti cancer properties but they also can help manage menopausal symptoms. They are good for bowel health and soothe digestion. Just a tablespoon of linseeds a day will give you the omega 3 fats that you require. Sprinkle them over your cereal or stir through soups and casseroles. Linseeds should be stored in the fridge.
5. Oats
Containing large amount of soluble fibre, oats help lower cholesterol levels and improve bowel health. They have a low GI (glycaemic index) which means they make the perfect breakfast to supercharge your day. Oats are a popular recommendation in most weight loss programs.
6. Salmon
A fantastic source of omega 3 fats, protein and vitamin D. Healthy fat loss programs recommend eating salmon twice a week, as it reduces triglyceride levels. Any leftover calories that your body does not burn are turned into triglycerides, which are a type of fat. Poach or grill salmon, and serve with a leafy salad or steamed vegetables. Combine tinned salmon with mashed sweet potatoes to make healthy patties - kids also love them.
7. Soy
Soy protein contains antioxidant isoflavones which counteract the build up of cholesterol in blood vessels, reducing the risk of heart attack and blood clots. It is also great for bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Make sure you choose soy products that are not genetically modified. Use soy protein or tofu instead of burgers and chicken in recipes. Enjoy soy milk over your cereal or in tasty fruit smoothies.
8. Tea
Numerous studies have shown that the powerful antioxidant polyphenols in tea reduce the risk of cancers and also lower cholesterol levels. In addition, drinking tea helps lower the stress hormone cortisol. Green tea in particular has had much discussion regarding its weight loss benefits. Actually all teas contain polyphenols and therefore all have positive benefits. Ideally drink your tea without milk to receive the most benefit.
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes, which are low in calories, are a versatile health conscious ingredient for any weight loss program. Just add tomatoes to your pasta sauce to boost your antioxidant intake and to lower your risk of chronic diseases, particularly prostate cancer. They are rich in lycopene, which fights damaging free radicals and also high in vitamin C. There are so many exciting ways you incorporate tomatoes into your meals. Whether it be pureed into sauces, chopped through summer salads or thrown into a whole-wheat tortilla, this fabulous super food is a must.
10. Yogurt
Yogurt is a favourite with many dieters. Not only does it's creamy texture help satisfy cravings, it is a great source of calcium, protein, vitamin B12 and riboflavin. What is more it contains probiotics which promote a healthy gut and protect the immune system. Use sugar free, low fat yogurt as a substitute for cream in sauces, curries, and desserts. It is fantastic as a 'quick snack' on the run and can be cooked in both savoury and sweet recipes.
Make sure you incorporate these ten best foods for weight loss into your weekly weight loss eating plan and enjoy the increased energy and unlimited health benefits.
I am passionate about regular exercise, healthy food and
relaxation. Through combining these three things our bodies can become
whatever we want them to be.
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